The Berean Expositor
Volume 23 - Page 149 of 207
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He says, in effect, that while because of sin, condemnation, and the failure of the flesh,
the Old Covenant is associated with veiling the truth, the New Covenant is associated
with an "unveiled face", for the believer (II Cor. 3: 11), and "the face of Jesus Christ"
(II Cor. 4: 6). Satan, however, the god of this age, is busy fabricating a veil out of the
obsolete and abrogated law, so that the believer shall be so occupied with shadows and
types, forms and ceremonies, and the attempt to help his salvation by a modicum of
law-keeping, that he shall not see "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the
face of Jesus Christ", and that he shall not see the "light of the gospel of the glory of
Christ", for if "with unveiled face" he once saw that, he would be changed "from glory
to glory", that is, from the fading glory of the law to the excelling glory of the
New Covenant, even as by the spirit of the Lord, and where the spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty.  We accordingly submit the following translation to the prayerful
consideration of the reader:--
"But if our gospel be veiled, it is veiled by those things which are perishing, by which
the god of this age hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest . . . . ."
Members of the body of Christ, who are blessed under the terms of Eph. 1: 3-14, have
no connection with the New Covenant. But the truth of the underlying principle of this
passage is as true for them as for all others. The god of this age is still busy making veils.
He uses the Acts of the Apostles, the New Covenant itself, and the dispensational
portions of Paul's early epistles, to blind the minds of the believer to the glory that
excelleth in the revelation of the mystery. In Eph. 1: 15-19 the apostle assumes that
"the eyes of the heart are enlightened" before he can go forward and speak of the calling
and the riches of glory. We earnestly plead with every reader to see to it that no veil,
made out of truth pertaining to earlier dispensations, be allowed to come between the
eyes of his heart and the glory that belongs to the ascended Lord, Who has ascended up
far above all heavens.
Once again we see it is the truth that makes free. Let us remember the association of
the following passages:--
"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (II Cor. 3: 17).
"By manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in
the sight of God" (II Cor. 4: 2).