The Berean Expositor
Volume 21 - Page 151 of 202
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combination with ek, "out of", en, "in", and epi, "upon", the word retains the radical
idea of "fall", and there is no reason for departing from this sense when translating
paraptoma. Accordingly we shall not use the word "offence", but "fall aside", wherever
paraptoma occurs in our reading.
One other word is used in  Rom. 5:  to complete the tale of sin, and that is
"disobedience" (5: 19): "For as by one man's disobedience"--words that show that
"disobedience" is but another aspect of "the sin" that brought death into the world.
Parakoe is the word translated "disobedience" in Rom. 5: 19, and means literally "to
hear aside". Parakouo, the verb, is translated "neglect to hear" in Matt. 18: 17. Faith
comes by hearing (Rom. 10: 17). Salvation in both phases comes by hearing (Eph. 1: 13,
4: 21). To "hearken" in the O.T. is synonymous with obedience. Adam "heard aside",
as parakouo means, and this is definitely stated in Gen. 3: 17-19:--
"Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife . . . . . in the sweat of thy face
shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for
dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return."
This is the parakoe, the "hearing aside", of Rom. 5: 19.
The parabasis, the "stepping aside", is seen in Gen. 3: 6:--
"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food . . . . . she took . . . . . and
did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."
"Adam was not deceived, but the woman having been deceived became in the
transgression (parabasis)" (I Tim. 2: 14).
and Adam with her.
The paraptoma, the "fall aside", is seen in Gen. 3: 8:--
"Adam and his wife hid themselves . . . . ."
and its sequel in Gen. 3: 24, "So he drove out the man".
Here we have three definitions of that one sin that brought death into the world, each
definition being compounded with para, which means "aside". Adam when he sinned
"came short", that is its first meaning. He stepped aside, when he heard aside, and as a
result he fell aside, and involved us all in his fall. As surely as Abel and Seth were born
outside the garden of Eden and involved with the curse on the ground, so all Adam's sons
find themselves outside with him.
/ Parabasis.--Transgression.--"A stepping aside."
Falling short,
{  Paraptoma.--Offence.--"A falling aside."
\ Parakoe.--Disobedience.--"A hearing aside."
For this cause was Christ "given aside" (paradidomi):--
"The Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself aside for me" (Gal. 2: 20).