The Berean Expositor
Volume 21 - Page 124 of 202
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The first part of the subject is general--`all things'. The second part of the same
subject is that which is peculiar to the overcomer--`he that overcometh shall inherit these
things'. Five verses are sufficient to tell of the new heavens and new earth, while
twenty-seven verses are taken up with the description of the inheritance of the overcomer.
We look in vain in this chapter of Revelation for any further description of the new
heaven and new earth. Immediately following the briefest of introductions John focuses
upon one phase of this new world:--
`And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband'
(21: 2).
At the close of the description (12: 1-5) we read Eden, paradise restored. It will be
seen therefore that there are to be a series of steps ever back to `as it was in the
(1). THE MILLENNIUM.--Jerusalem on earth, a holy city.
Special feature THE TEMPLE (Ezek. 40:-47:)
(2). THE NEW HEAVEN.--Jerusalem, the heavenly city.
Special feature THE TABERNACLE.
(3). THE NEW EARTH.--Paradise, `The day of the age' (II Pet. 3:).
Special feature THE TREE OF LIFE."
It will be observed from these various extracts that we see in Rev. 21: 5 the last
word, future, of prophecy, and that the new Jerusalem with which the Revelation is so
concerned is rather in the nature of an inheritance, entered by the overcomer at the
beginning of the Millennium, and enjoyed right through the succeeding day of God, up to
the end of the ages of the ages, when the goal of redemption will be reached.
The presence of the tree of life in Rev. 22: 2 does not necessarily suppose the
presence of death, any more than it did in the beginning (Gen. 2: 9). It indicates that the
final step has been reached before the "end", which "end" will bring about the last great
correspondence, and Gen. 1: 1 will find its echo in the words, "that God may be all in
Our correspondent is making a special study of the place occupied by the new
Jerusalem, and the relationship of chapters 21: and 22: to the great white throne and
the lake of fire. We look forward to these studies, and may be able to write further upon
the subject which, involving as it does "the end", includes us all, whatever our distinctive
dispensational sphere. We trust moreover, by the example given above, that the reader
will be stimulated to use the Indexes, and so make as much use as possible of what has
been written and discovered, remembering all the time to "search and see" whether these
things be so.