The Berean Expositor
Volume 21 - Page 84 of 202
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Leviticus. The book as a whole.
pp. 64 - 67
In the series entitled "Redemption" in Volumes XVII and XVIII we have given the
five great offerings with which Leviticus opens a fairly close study. We now pass on to a
wider consideration of the book, asking all our readers to refer to the articles dealing with
Lev. 1:-7: in the Volumes referred to above, so that their study may be as complete as
Before attempting a detailed exposition, it is incumbent upon us to seek the general
disposition of subject matter, and at the outset we must confess that the task appears
formidable. However, believing Leviticus to be a part of inspired Scripture, we approach
it with the same confidence that we should an epistle of Paul, expecting to find beneath
the surface those evidences of its divine composition which we have observed so
frequently in other parts of the Word.
The complicated character of the book and the mass of intricate detail preclude all
idea of an exhaustive analysis, but the following presents a survey of the teaching of the
book without the omission or suppression of any section.
Leviticus as a whole.
A | 1:-7: Five offerings. Worship.
a | 1: Whole Burnt Offering.
b | 2: Meal Offering.
c | 3: Peace Offering.
a | 4:, 5:-. Sin Offering.
b | -5:-7: Trespass Offering.
B | 8:-15: | d | 8:, 9: Priests' service.
e | 10: Warning to priests. Nadab destroyed.
f | 11:-15: A clean people. "Make a difference."
C | 16:, 17: Atonement for sins. Blood sprinkled seven times.
B | 18:-25: |
f | 18:-22: A clean people. "Put a difference."
d | 23:-25: People's service.
e | 24: 10-16. Warning to people. Blasphemer stoned.
C | 26: Punishment for sins. Seven times.
A | 27: Five vows and the redemption.
a | 1-13. Devoted persons or beasts.
b | 14, 15. Devoted houses.
c | 16-24. Devoted fields.
a | 26-29. Devoted man or beast.
b | 30-34. Devoted tithes.
All that is necessary at the moment is to indicate in a few words the obvious
relationship of the various parts. Leviticus opens and closes with freewill offerings. Five
great basic sacrifices occupy the opening chapters, and five separate sets of vows, and