The Berean Expositor
Volume 19 - Page 128 of 154
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"Now learn a parable of the fig tree."
p. 175
"A new Jewish sect has been recently established on the eastern border of
Poland, near Vilna, with headquarters at Kucewicze, its adherents numbering,
it is stated, about 15,000."
"It has been decided to form a Jewish Church, recognizing the deity of Christ,
and also to study the New Testament, adhering, however, to the general
rabbinical regulations."
"The recent development of this and other sects is an entirely new feature in
Poland, where until lately any movement of this kind has always been extremely
insignificant.--Reuter." (Daily Telegraph, 11/10/28).
The seven churches of Asia resemble in constitution the church of Pentecost, and are
Jewish in character.
The above suggestive movement in Poland is but another sign that the dispensation of
the grace of God to the Gentiles, nears its close. Now is our hope nearer than when we
"When they will not endure sound doctrine."
p. 175
"Young people of to-day", said the Rev. A. G. Simpson, "want us to stand up
to things and argue in the light of all that comes from modern science and
"The more we escape from, and deliberately renounce, a scheme of theology
which cannot be justified in the light of modern thinking, and preach that
Christianity mainly means a belief in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood
of man, and would apply that to the problems of our time, we shall do something
for our generation." (Daily Chronicle, 11/7/29).
This statement made at the United Methodist Conference at Halifax, on
10  July, 1929, is a symptom of the last days.  The prevalent unbelief and the
compromise everywhere advocated is after all but a confirmation of the truth that is
being denied.  II Tim. 4: is being fulfilled before our eyes. Let us seek to fulfil its
exhortations and commands.