The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 129 of 160
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to pass away when their purpose was accomplished), and a people were written in the
book of life. Sin entering brought the first death, and sin brought punishment, but the
ultimate destiny of this people of purpose had no reference either to Adam's one sin or
their own many sins. The consequences, both of the one offence and of the many
offences, were undertaken by Christ, and in accordance with the outworking of the
purpose of the ages, different companies were called to a saving knowledge of the truth.
At length the last company is reached. They too suffer for their works, or are rewarded
as the case may be, and being found in the book of life, pass into the new heavens and the
new earth for the final movement in the great age purpose. There are some however
whose names, apparently, will not be found therein. Can we find anything in Scripture to
help us understand this omission? Turning once more to Rev. 13: 8, let us notice what
it says of those whose names had not been written in the book of life:--
"And all that dwell on the earth, every one whose name had not been written in the
book of life of the slain Lamb, SHALL WORSHIP HIM, i.e., the dragon and the beast."
Terrific judgments are pronounced against such in Rev. 14: 10, 11. A promise is
made to the overcomer in Rev. 3: 5 that the Lord will in no wise (double negative) blot
out his name from the book of life.
(To be continued).
Rev. 20: 11-15.
Can a name be blotted out?
pp. 57, 58
These two passages raise certain questions concerning the book of life that must be
(1). Rev. 13: 8 indicates that the worshippers of the beast are those who have not their
names in that book. There will be a company therefore on earth who are not
reckoned in the great transaction of Adam and Christ; in other words, we
perceive some of the false seed who are of "their father the Devil".
(2). The promise not to blot out the name of the overcomer suggests that there may be
some point in the life even of one of the true children of Adam where such an
awful thing may take place.
We are reminded of the words of Moses in Exod. 32: 32, 33:--
"And if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of that book which Thou hast written. And the
Lord said unto Moses, `Whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of My