The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 128 of 160
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apart from all the lurid pictures of orthodoxy to think of a gospel in association with the
great white throne, but we nevertheless believe that such is the case.
The Second Dead and utter Destruction.
After the judgment according to works has been given we read:--
"And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, even
the lake of fire" (Rev. 20: 14).
Death and gravedom, together with the present heavens and earth, have accomplished
their end. Like all other things that are temporal or cause offence, they are destroyed
before the kingdom of righteousness can be set up. By no conceivable interpretation can
we understand that God's intention is to preserve or to change death and the grave by
casting them into the lake of fire. Death, so far as it may be spoken of as a state, has been
destroyed by the resurrection of all the rest of the dead. So far as it may be spoken of as
an enemy it is here seen to be destroyed in the lake of fire.
The book of life is now put into operation, and this book alone is connected with the
second death. No man will ever enter the second death as a result of judgment according
to his works. It would be to ascribe most unbecoming trifling to the Lord Jesus to say
that it would be more tolerable for one company who are cast into the second death than
for another. The word "whosoever" in Rev. 20: 15 is apt to mislead the English reader.
Kai ei tis can only be translated "and if anyone", and the words are so rendered by the
R.V. We now leave the great multitude for the individual. A mistaken zeal often
prompts the evangelist to declare:--
"If any one stands before the great white throne he is necessarily doomed. Nothing
but the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstones can be his lot. Flee from the
wrath to come!"
These words contain serious mistakes. The second death is not the period spoken of
in Scripture as "the wrath to come".  The day of wrath has peculiar reference to
Babylonianism, Antichirst, etc. (see Rom. 1: and Revelation). "Wrath" does not occur in
the inner part of Romans, viz., 5: 12 - 8: 39. It is not true to say that to stand before
the great white throne is just the same as being condemned to the lake of fire.
The name written in the Book of Life.
"If any one" denies that. None shall go into the lake of fire unless his name shall not
be found in the book of life. This book of life was written "from the overthrow of the
world". The translation that we believe to be the true one of Rev. 13: 8 is:--
"And all that dwell on the earth shall worship Him, everyone whose name had not
been written from the overthrowing of the world in the book of life of the slain Lamb."
When Satan's rebellion brought about the "overthrow" of Gen. 1: 2, and the purpose
of the ages was put into movement, a second heavens and earth were made (which were