The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 38 of 160
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Heb. 9: 1-8.
A | 1, 2-. The first covenant.
B | -2-. The tabernacle prepared (kataskeuazo).
C | -2-5.  The contents.  In the first; in the second.
B | 6-. These things prepared (kataskeuazo).
C | -6, 7.  The priests.  In the first; in the second.
A | 8.  The first tabernacle.
Two features of the first covenant are considered:--
(1). Ordinances of divine service.
(2). A worldly sanctuary.
A great controversy has arisen over the meaning of "the worldly sanctuary". The
word "worldly" is a translation of kosmikon, which occurs in one other place in the N.T.,
viz., Titus 2: 12. It does not occur in the 70: One of the causes of diversity in
translation is that kosmikon is cognate with kosmion, which is translated "modest" in
I Tim. 2: 9, and with kosmeo, which is translated "adorn" in the same verse. The
underlying idea of both words is that of something orderly. Rotherham accordingly
translates the passage in Heb. 9: 1:--
"Even the holy ritual well arranged."
Some, because of certain remarks made by Josephus and Philo, consider that the
intention of the apostle was to show that the tabernacle typified the world. Those who
desire a detailed examination of the various renderings should consult the note in
Bloomfield's Greek Testament, ninth edition.
Not made with hands.
The simple explanation of the word kosmikon ("worldly") is discovered in the purpose
of the apostle who sets the earthly type over against the heavenly reality, the true, the
heavenly tabernacle, "which the Lord pitched and not man", and which was "not made
with hands, that is to say not of this creation". The holy places made with hands are
called "figures of the true". The true tabernacle being called "heaven itself" (Heb. 9: 24).
As the priest and the offering constitute "the principle thing", the apostle passes over
without comment the various articles of furniture used in the tabernacle, their typical
teaching not being contributory to the theme of the epistle. A more or less detailed
examination of the typical teaching of the tabernacle will find its place in the more
elementary series, "Fundamentals of Dispensational Truth". We just stay to observe
here that the articles of furniture fall into two groups, viz., (1:) Those in the holy place,
and (2:) Those in the most holy place.
(1). The candlestick
(2). The table.
(3). The shewbread.