The Berean Expositor
Volume 15 - Page 37 of 160
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"unprofitableness". Here, in 8: 6-13, we learn that the covenant with which the
Levitical priesthood was associated was likewise set aside as being "not blameless", the
Lord "finding fault" with it and introducing the new covenant as the better hope founded
upon better promises, ministered by a better priest, and ratified by a better sacrifice.
A lengthy quotation from Jer. 31: occupies Heb. 8: 8-12, which testifies in no
uncertain way to the nature and scope of the new covenant.
The new covenant.
There are still quite a number of God's children who have hazy ideas concerning the
new covenant (or testament as it is translated in Matt. 26: 28), therefore it will be
helpful if we set out its chief features from the passage before us, before passing on to
chapter 9:
The new covenant is made with Israel and Judah.
It is not engraven upon stone as at Sinai, but written upon the heart.
The old covenant was connected with the exodus from Egypt, and its
commemorative feast was the Passover, whilst the new covenant is connected with a
greater and a spiritual deliverance, and its commemorative feast was instituted at the
Passover by the Lord (Matt. 26: 26).
It is essentially connected with the national restoration of Israel (Jer. 31: 35-40).
The apostle sums up the matter for us in Heb. 8: 13:--
"In that He saith, A new covenant, He hath made the first old. Now that which
decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away."
But Thou remainest.
In chapter 1: the present creation is said to wax old and pass away, and in contrast
with this is placed the Lord of Whom it says, "but Thou remainest". At the end of the
epistle (chapter 13:) the same truth emerges, viz., "Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday,
to-day, and for the age". This is the blessed truth of chapters 8: and 9: Here in
8: 13 we have the waxing old and the passing away of the old covenant in contrast
with the unchanging priesthood and heavenly sanctuary of the new covenant.
A greater and more perfect tabernacle.
In the structure of Heb. 7: 1 - 10: 18 given on page 86 of this Volume, it will be
observed that the member governed by the title, "The oath of the Son", extends from
7: 20 - 9: 8 where we reach another member entitled, "No perfection by carnal
ordinances". Chapter 9: 1-8 therefore concludes the section commenced in 7: 20.