The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 157 of 167
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Sin, and its relation to God.
pp. 161 ­ 173
A.--Scriptural views of the doctrine of sin influence our understanding of the doctrine of
redemption and the purpose of God, and I have been led to accept some very
revolutionary teaching concerning the place that sin has in the purpose of God, and as a
result of a very profound study of the peculiar character of the Hebrew language, to view
the sacrifice of Christ also in a most unorthodox light.
A far-reaching Doctrine.
B.--I most heartily endorse your statement concerning the value and far-reaching effects
of a scriptural view of sin, and would like to add that an unscriptural view of the same
subject leads to most pernicious ideas concerning the offering of Christ and the purpose
of God. No one who is at all acquainted with the history of The Berean Expositor could
accuse those responsible for it of being hide-bound by orthodoxy, but you must, on the
other hand, avoid that Athenian spirit of ever running after "something new".
A.--Instead of the sanctimonious language that I once felt called upon to use when
speaking of the cross of Christ I now enjoy the glorious liberty of being able to say
concerning that sacrifice, that it is
And, moreover, that in redemption God settles
also that the greatest of wrongs, namely, the offering of Christ at Calvary, will right the
B.--Surely you cannot mean what you say!
A.--I sympathize with you in your revulsion of feeling, for I had the same shrinking
myself until I understood that this must be accepted if we really bow before the inspired
Word. It really arises out of the fact that the Hebrew word for "sin" and "sin offering"
are one and the same.
In the inspired language of Scripture there is no other term for sacrifice for sin than
the word "sin" itself, and this is not accidental, but points the path of truth, proving that
the offering of a sacrifice involves the nature of a sin or mistake.
B.--Do you mean that the sacrifice of Christ can be looked upon as a sin?