The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 50 of 167
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characteristics of the good soldier, and the more homely witness in the assembly. Let the
inspired sub-division of this epistle be our guide as we seek to learn the mind of the Lord
for His children who have been called by Him to preach the gospel and teach His people
in view of His "appearing and kingdom".
#2.  The Doctrine.
The First Epistle to Timothy.
pp. 44 - 47
"NO OTHER DOCTRINE."--These words are foremost in the charge received by
Timothy from the apostle. They are foremost for every minister of Christ to-day.
"Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine; continue stedfast therein. For in so
doing thou shalt save both thyself and thy hearers" (4: 16).
"Till I come give attendance . . . . . doctrine" (4: 13).
Eight times over does the apostle use the word doctrine in this epistle, and three times
more he uses the word as a compound.
"As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou
mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine" (1: 3).
The word here is heterodidaskaleo, and is translated in 6: 3, "teach otherwise". It
will be observed that the stress is not so much upon "false" doctrine, but "other" doctrine,
something different from that taught by the apostle. The apostle had besought Timothy
to remain at Ephesus, and it was to the elders of Ephesus that the apostle had given the
solemn warning concerning those who should enter in among them as grievous wolves
not sparing the flock, and that out from among themselves men should arise speaking
perverse things, to draw away disciples after them (Acts 20: 28-31). These teachers of
other doctrine (heterodidaskaleo) appear to be a section of the Jews who are called in
1: 7, "Teachers of the law" (nomodidaskalos). Writing in a very similar strain to Titus
the apostle refers to the teachers of errors as teachers of
"Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the truth" (Titus 1: 4).
Over and over again, in these three "pastoral epistles", the apostle reverts to this
antagonistic system of teaching:--
"Fables and endless genealogies which minister questions" (1: 4).
In contrast with:--
"Doctrine which is according to godliness" (6: 3).
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