The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 49 of 167
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Notes on Ministry.
#1.  The Charge.
The First Epistle to Timothy.
pp. 9, 10
In various places the Lord has raised up His children to bear witness to the truth that
has made them free, and as a result little gatherings have drawn together.  These
gatherings are exceedingly simple in character and constitution, and those who have been
instrumental  in  forming  them  are  desirous  of  avoiding  any  approach  to
denominationalism, and that they should be kept close to the teaching of the Scriptures
which unfold the unity of the Spirit.
The conditions under which we gather together to-day are such as are indicated in the
second epistle to Timothy, where RUIN rather than RULE is evident. Providing we
remember this, and do not fall into the error of applying the rules of a properly organized
church to a gathering in these perilous times, much guidance can be received by
observing the instructions given to Timothy in Paul's first epistle.
It has been the custom from times immemorial to give a newly appointed minister a
"charge". The editor of the "Berean Expositor" makes no pretensions to oversight, and
therefore cannot give any such charge to those brethren for whom this series has been
written. As an expositor of the Word, however, he can draw attention to the inspired
charge given by Paul to Timothy, and to those features which are of lasting application.
Turning then to I Timothy, we find upon reading it through that the whole epistle
revolves around the words paraggello and paraggelia, which should be rendered in all
cases by the word "charge". The occurrences are seven in number and are distributed by
design, which emphasizes the seven perfect features of all responsible ministry for all
time. The seven passages are arranged as follows:--
"Charge" in I Timothy.
A | 1: 3.  Doctrine; dispensation: endless genealogies.
B | 1: 5.  The end--pure heart.
C | 1: 18.  Contest.
D | 4: 11.  The life now, and to come.
C | 5: 7.  Conduct.
B | 6: 13.  Keep spotless.
A | 6: 17.  Practice; deposit; profane babblings.
The charge commences with doctrine; it concludes with practice, a connection of
which we cannot too frequently remind ourselves and others. As a pivot comes the
closing days of the dispensation when false doctrine shall abound. As a beacon and a
compass through this time of stress is placed the end of the charge, which is expressed
both in 1: 5 and 6: 13, and on either side of the central reference we have the martial