The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 9 of 167
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The Deity of Christ.
pp. 177 - 191
In the following pages A and B discuss the subject of The Deity of Christ.
The standpoint of B represents the standpoint of The Berean Expositor; the arguments
of  A  are an attempt to present justly the views which The Berean Expositor here
entirely repudiates.
The Subject Stated.
A.--The Scriptures teach that there is "one God", and one mediator, "the man" Christ
Jesus. The "one God" is the Father, the man is "the Son", and therefore I cannot believe
what is commonly called the Deity of Christ.
B.--Before we enter into any argument over this subject I trust we are both conscious of
the solemnity of the question.
A.--Truth is one, and I do not believe we are right in speaking of one part as of more
importance than another.
B.--Truth is one indeed, and every part fundamental, yet Scripture makes a distinction
which I am bound to follow. John in his second epistle says:--
"Every one that taketh a lead, and abideth not in the teaching of Christ, hath not God"
(II John 9).
A Dividing Doctrine.
In some cases divergent views were to be tolerated and those holding them were to
consider that both may hold them "unto the Lord", but John in speaking of this doctrine
takes a different attitude, saying that such a one "hath not God", and further, "receive him
not into your house, neither bid him God speed". You will understand therefore that it is
impossible for those responsible for The Berean Expositor to have fellowship with those
who deny the Deity of Christ. This may sound narrow and bigoted, but it is the scriptural
attitude, and we have no alternative.
A.--I cannot understand how you can believe the Son of God to be God without at the
same time believing that there are two Gods.
B.--I am sure that by speaking of the Son of God in this way you are approaching the
subject from the wrong end. May I suggest that we seek to understand this deep doctrine
by studying the teaching of Scripture along the following lines:--
GOD . . . . .
GOD . . . . .
GOD . . . . .
GOD . . . . .
Manifest in the flesh.