The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 8 of 167
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In defence of the Faith.
pp. 113, 114
"Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. But
with me it is a very small matter that I am judged of you . . . . . He that judgeth me is the
Lord" (I Cor. 4: 1-4).
Since the year 1907 the true position of the Acts of the Apostles has been brought to
light not by Things to Come and The Berean Expositor only, but by the publications of
others. There has, however, developed quite a distinct set of teaching in association with
the presentation of dispensational truth which declares that the whole universe, including
Satan and the fallen angels, are or will be reconciled. This teaching we reject as being
The fact that our ministry and stewardship is being confused by some with the
unscriptural teaching indicated, necessitates that we make a clear statement of what we
believe in this matter, and in the following pages we shall endeavour to make our position
quite clear.
The relation of sin to God has not yet been dealt with at any length in our pages, the
subject being too solemn for hasty treatment, nevertheless, without setting out scriptural
evidence, we take the opportunity of testifying:--
"Let no man deceive you; he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is
righteous. He that committeth sin IS OF THE DEVIL; for the devil sinneth from the
beginning" (I John 3: 7, 8).
Our attitude in regard to the doctrine of the Deity of Christ can be gathered from the
series entitled "The Doctrine of Christ", which appeared in Volumes II and 3:  We
confess with Thomas, "My Lord and my God", and whilst some may profess to believe
that Scripture teaches that the Lord Jesus was "A God", we gladly acknowledge that we
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the appearing of our GREAT GOD AND
We believe there is one God (Deut. 6: 4) Who was manifested in the flesh
(John 1: 1, 14; I Tim. 3: 16), and not two Gods, the lesser of whom is the Lord Jesus
Upon the completion of this series we propose to issue in pamphlet form. To all who
can with clear conscience bid us God-speed in our ministry, we unhesitatingly ask for
prayerful and practical support in this fight of faith. Shall the enemy sow his tares with
freer hand than the child of God sows his wheat?
It is possible that some doors for testimony may be closed against us. If you endorse
our position, will you prayerfully consider whether a door of utterance can be opened in
your neighbourhood? The Editor is not at liberty to respond to every invitation to speak
at meetings, but by arranging well ahead a great deal can be accomplished.