The Berean Expositor
Volume 13 - Page 57 of 159
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Lessons for Little Ones.
The Concordance.
pp. 10, 11
We have for some time desired to direct the little one's studies in the direction of the
Concordance, but did not quite know how to set about it. Matt. 23:, the chapter we had
reached, seemed very difficult for the little scholar, so we gave the following question:--
Matt. 23: 13-39.--Write down the numbers of the verses which say "Woe unto you"
and underline the words in your Bible.
The answer was, Verses 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27, 29. This showed that the little one
had sufficient concentration to advance to the use of the Concordance. The next question
Matt. 23: 13-32.
(1). Write down the numbers of the verses which say "blind".
(2). Underline in you Bible.
(3). What is the Greek word?
When the answer was presented we took up Young's Analytical Concordance. Along
the red edge of the book we had already written the alphabet for our own convenience, so
we said:--
"What letter must we open at to find the word `blind'?"
When the place had been found, we checked off the answer, and then noted the Greek
word tuphlos, which was written down in Greek characters. Our next questions were
based upon Matt. 25: 1-13:--
(1). Write out the numbers of the verses which speak of WISE and FOOLISH.
(2). What are the Greek words?
This again was answered correctly. It will be seen that the introduction of two words
made the question much more difficult, but placing the verses under the headings WISE
and FOOLISH, and keeping the two columns separate, made the question less
complicated. The next question was:--
Matt. 26: 1-5.
(1). What feast is here?
(2). Can you tell me where else we read about it?
(3). What is the Greek word?
The answer was as follows:--
(1). The Passover.
(2). Exodus 12:; I Corinthians 5: 7; Christ our Passover.
(3). Pascha.