The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 5 of 151
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apportion out the list. If any one is prepared to allocate them voluntarily the cost would
be little, if each enclosed a stamped addressed envelope for reply. Each one could say
how many he is prepared to correspond with, and the topics that specially interest him, if
he wishes to follow these up. The correspondent would still be free to write to the Editor
if he desired. There would be no bands, bonds, badges, or ties of any sort: only that of
mutual fellowship in the study of God's Word.'
Yours in the Lord,
- - K."
Let us know the result of your prayer over this matter.
[NOTE: * - not in INDEX.]
Who Will Respond?
(Page 30 of Vol. 6:)
p. 79*
We give below a digest of a letter received from a reader in China.
I suppose your correspondent --K. wishes to know what special Bible Studies are
occupying the minds of your readers. Since 1890 general knowledge of the Scriptures
has given place, in my case, to the following:--
1. The shape of composition, in whole and parts, of Epistles and Psalms.
Founded on works of Thos. Boys (1824, 1825) and R. B. Roe (1857).
Noting pronouns "we" and "you" in Prison Epistles; the grouping of
participles and finite verbs; synonymous use of pairs of prepositions and
cases. Place and relation of every word "for."