The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 4 of 151
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"They shall perish, but Thou remainest."
p. 15*
With the present new arrangement whereby The Berean Expositor becomes a
monthly, comes the sad news that Things to Come has ceased publication with its
December issue. There are many witnesses for an infallible Bible, and a Word of truth
rightly divided. HE Who raised up a Joshua to succeed Moses still abides. Whether it is
His will to raise up a similar witness we cannot tell. The gap in the battle front thus
widened only makes our need of grace and the need for a determined witness seem the
more emphatic. The Editor will value the prayerful fellowship of all who realize the need
for a continued insistent witness on the lines of II Tim. 2: 15.
[NOTE: * - not in INDEX.]
Who Will Respond?
p. 30*
We print an extract from a letter of a reader trusting that if it be in line with the will of
the Lord, such will be made manifest:--
"DEAR MR. WELCH.--In the June No. (1912) of the `Berean' is a letter addressed to
fellow believers. `The readers of this magazine are scattered, and in many cases isolated;
can anything be done whereby we may mutually help one another? . . . .' May I
forward a tentative proposition? Readers of the `B.E.' who are interested in the teaching
may like to correspond with other readers on subjects advanced in the magazine and on
Scriptural matters generally. . . . I am not suggesting a society or league or mission, or
any of these `progressive' ideas `for the promotion of universal brotherhood.' I simply
suggest that readers who are thinkers, and who find pleasure in the study, may get into
touch with one another. . . . Those willing and prepared to confer with other readers
could send in their names and addresses to one (whose quarters need not be in London) to