The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 29 of 161
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Berean Expositor Volume 4 & 5
Contributions to the subject of Human Destiny.
The All Things (Ta Panta).
pp. 63-70
We have now completed our consideration of the Hebrew and Greek words used with
reference to the Wages of Sin, and have settled once and for all the question which we
purposed to answer, namely, Does Scripture teach the doctrine of eternal conscious
suffering? The answer from the meaning and usage of the words of Scripture is an
emphatic NO.
Our investigations, however, have not been exhaustive enough to warrant us assuming
that we have considered the Scriptural teaching concerning Human Destiny in its wide
scope. Our faith must comprehend all Scripture. It would be comparatively easy to write
the articles in The Berean Expositor if it were the organ of any one particular creed or
view; this is not its mission, however. It is not satisfied with what is known as orthodox
belief relative to Hell and the future, as its articles have already shown, neither does it
feel that the other lines of teaching relative to this great subject, such as annihilation on
the one hand, and universal reconciliation on the other, allow the believer to have a faith
that accepts all that God has written. The difficulty of the attempt to consider the subject
as a whole, and refrain from the temptation of adopting one line of thought which is
much simpler, must not defer us.
The general effect of such considerations will not be, superficially, so satisfactory as
the effect produced upon subscribers to any one aspect of truth, but the Word of God
abounds with problems which cannot be dismissed, which may remain unexplained until
in resurrection we see, as now we cannot, the wider and vaster bounds of the purpose of
the ages. This being so, all that we can hope to do is to point out the most obvious lines
of truth, praying that our readers will not too hastily jump to a conclusion. It is saddening
to hear believers speaking airily of these matters as though the problems were not worthy
of consideration, or had all been scripturally explained. Among them is the use of the
words "all things," a mere undefined term in the minds of many who use it. Before
taking up the subject of Human Destiny as a whole, there are several topics which
demand consideration, otherwise we shall be using terms with unsettled meanings. We
proceed in this article to gather up some of the Scripture teaching relative to this
expression, "all things."
Great emphasis has been laid upon the fact that the Scriptures which refer to
reconciliation tell us that the reconciliation include all things.  All Scripture being
verbally inspired, no argument can be entertained which would seek to add to, or subtract
from, the words of truth. Believing with all our heart that God has a meaning in every
word He has caused to be written, and realizing that so much error has been perpetuated
by taking man-made interpretations for granted, we propose a little study of the words,