The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 33 of 130
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Studies in the Epistles of the Mystery.
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable" (II Tim. 3: 16).
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of truth" (II Tim. 2: 15).
The above quotations supply us with the very important fact that while all Scripture is
for us, all Scripture is not necessarily about us, and that in order to obtain the truth for
any particular period, the dispensational dealings of God for the time must be taken into
consideration, in other words, Scripture must be rightly divided or apportioned.
There are some who seek to make an argument against this truth out of the fact that so
few realize its importance to-day. They use this as an argument against the endeavour to
apportion the Scriptures. We must not forget that the prime cause of the confusion
everywhere manifest is found in the fact that, even before the apostle Paul died, those
who had heard the word forsook him and his message; a Judaistic and philosophic
tendency overcame all else; men left this apostle of all spiritual blessings in heavenly
places, and became satisfied with ordinances and the externals of a decadent and
undispensational religion.
The Scriptural boundary of this dispensation of the mystery is found at
Acts 28: 25-28,  and we now seek grace to examine those epistles, given by
inspiration of God and profitable, which are not only written for our learning, but are also
addressed to us, and written about us.
The epistles written by Paul after the setting aside of Israel are Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, I and II Timothy, Titus, Hebrews and Philemon. The epistle to the
Hebrews is primarily addressed to the Jewish believers as a word of exhortation and
comfort, seeking to lead them, by the contemplation of the present glory of Christ at the
right hand of God, outside the camp, if God permit, to all the grace of God revealed for
those who believe during this present interval.  Hebrews teaches nothing about the
"mystery" itself, it supplies the necessary information which a Jewish believer would
require to enable him to step out in faith, and attain to the heavenly* calling, which then
became the one hope of the Jewish remnant. Philemon is an epistle from which we may
learn much, and although it was addressed to an individual concerning a runaway slave, it
conveys many precious lessons for the child of God to-day. The epistles which are
particularly of importance to us are the following :--
NOTE *: This must be distinguished from the calling of the present time--see succeeding articles.