-A Benjamite 1Ch 8:17


-1. King of Judah 2Ki 16:20; 18:1, 2; 1Ch 3:13; 2Ch 29:1; Mt 1:9 .Religious zeal of 2Ch 29; 30; 31 .Purges the nation of idolatry 2Ki 18:4; 2Ch 31:1; 33:3 .Restores the true forms of worship 2Ch 31:2-21 .His piety 2Ki 18:3, 5, 6; 2Ch 29:2; 31:20, 21; 32:32; Jer 26:19 .Military operations of 2Ki 18:19; 1Ch 4:39-43; 2Ch 32; Isa 36; 37 .Sickness and restoration of 2Ki 20:1-11; 2Ch 32:24; Isa 38:1-8 .His psalm of thanksgiving Isa 38:9-22 .His lack of wisdom in showing his resources to commissioners of Babylon 2Ch 32:25, 2Ki 20:12-19; 26, 31; Isa 39 .Prospered by God 2Ki 18:7; 2Ch 32:27-30 .Conducts the Gihon Brook into Jerusalem 2Ki 18:17; 20:20; 2Ch 32:4, 30; 33:14; Ne 2:13-15; 3:13, 16; Isa 7:3; 22:9-11; 36:2 .Scribes of Pr 25:1 .Death and burial of 2Ki 20:21; 2Ch 32:33 .Prophecies concerning 20:5, 2Ki 19:20-34; 6, 16-18; Isa 38:5-8; 39:5-7; Jer 26:18, 19

-2. Son of Neariah 1Ch 3:23

-3. One of the exiles Ezr 2:16; Ne 7:21 .Called Hizkijah Ne 10:17


-Grandfather of Ben-hadad 1Ki 15:18


-1. A Levite 1Ch 24:15

-2. A prince of Judah Ne 10:20


-Also called HEZRO -A Carmelite 2Sa 23:35; 1Ch 11:37




-1. Son of Pharez Ge 46:12 .Ancestor of the Hezronites 1Ch 2:5, 9, 18, Nu 26:6, 21; 21, 24

-2. A son of Reuben Ge 46:9; Ex 6:14; 1Ch 4:1; 5:3 .Descendants of, called Hezronites Nu 26:6


-One of David's heroes 2Sa 23:30

-Called HURAI 1Ch 11:32


-Ancient name of the Tigris River Ge 2:14; Da 10:4


-Rebuilder of Jericho 1Ki 16:34

-In him was fulfilled the curse pronounced by Joshua Jos 6:26

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