-1. A valley where David killed Goliath 1Sa 17:2, 19; 21:9

-2. An Edomite duke Ge 36:41; 1Ch 1:52

-3. Son of Caleb 1Ch 4:15

-4. Father of Shimei 1Ki 4:18

-5. Son and successor of Baasha, king of Israel 1Ki 16:6-14

-6. Father of Hoshea 2Ki 15:30; 17:1

-7. A Benjamite chief 1Ch 9:8


-1. A district southeast of Babylon, on Persian Gulf Ge 14:1, 9; Da 8:2 .Prophecies concerning Isa 11:11 .Jews from Ac 2:9 .See ELAMITES

-2. A Korhite Levite 1Ch 26:3

-3. A Benjamite chief 1Ch 8:24

-4. Designated as "the other Elam," Ezr 2:31; Ne 7:34

-5. A Jewish captive, whose descendants, to the number of One-thousand two-hundred and fifty-four returned from Babylon Ezr 2:7; 8:7; Ne 7:12

-6. A Levite musician Ne 12:42

-7. One of the Israelitish chiefs with Nehemiah Ne 10:14


-Descendants of Elam, whose name was given to the district of Elam Ge 10:22

-Present at Pentecost Ac 2:9


-1. Son of Helez, called ELEASAH 1Ch 2:39

-2. Son of Shaphan Jer 29:3

-3. Son of Pashur Ezr 10:22


-Also called Eloth -A city of Idumea De 2:8; 1Ki 9:26; 2Ch 8:17

-Conquest of, by Uzziah 2Ch 26:2

-By the Syrians 2Ki 16:6


-Name of the altar erected by Jacob where he had the vision of angels Ge 35:7


-A descendant of Abraham Ge 25:4; 1Ch 1:33


-Prophesies in the camp of the Israelites Nu 11:26-29


-IN THE MOSAIC SYSTEM -(Equivalent to the title senator, in present use) .Elders, with delegated powers, were authorized to act for their constituency De 1:13, 15 .See GOVERNMENT, MOSAIC

-IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ac 11:29, 30; 14:23; 15:1-35; 16:4, 5; 20:17, 28-32; 21:18; 1Ti 4:14; 5:17-19; Tit 1:5-9; Heb 11:2; Jas 5:14, 15; 1Pe 5:1-5; 2Jo 1:1; 3Jo 1:1

-APOCALYPTIC VISION OF 5:5, 6, 8, Re 4:4, 10; 11, 14; 7:11, 13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4 .See DEACON .Also see CHURCH, GOVERNMENT OF


-A descendant of Ephraim 1Ch 7:21

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