Levend Water

Young's Analytical Concordance
the Bible


Robert Young

The Concordance: its use - Charles H. Welch

As its title page tells us, this work is "on an entirely new plan, containing about 311,000 references, sub-divided under the Hebrew and Greek originals, with the literal meaning and pronunciation of each, designed for the simplest reader of the English Bible". The 7th edition contains a most valuable index-lexicon, which makes the whole work twice as valuable, and no student should purchase any earlier edition. Dr. Young in his preface says:--

"Its great object, as Tyndale said of his New Testament, is to enable every `plough-boy' to know more of the Scriptures than the `ancients', by enabling him at a glance to find out THREE DISTINCT POINTS--

  • First , What is the original Hebrew or Greek of any ordinary word in his English Bible;
  • Second , What is the literal and primitive meaning of every such original word; and
  • Third , What are thoroughly true and reliable parallel passages ."

As an illustration of the use of "Young's Concordance" we open the book at random, and our eye falls upon the word "Abundance". This is what we find:


  1. Multitude , (The word in Hebrew characters) hamon .
    I Kings 18:41. for (there is) a sound of abundance of rain (and two more refs.).
  2. Brightness , (. . .) ziz .
    Isa. 66:11. delighted with the abundance of her.
  3. Abundance, remnant , (. . .) yithrah.
    Isa. 15:7. Therefore the abundance they have gotten.
  4. Strength, substance , (. . .) otsmah.
    Isa. 47:9. for the great abundance of thine
  5. Abundance, residue , (. . .) athereth .
    Jer. 33:6. and will reveal unto them the abundance.
  6. Abundance, multitude , (. . .) rob .
    Deut. 28:47. for the abundance of all (things) (and 34 more refs.).
  7. To make abundant , (. . .) rabah , 5.
    II Sam. 12:30. spoil of the city in great abundance
  8. Satiety, plenty, fullness , (. . .) saba .
    Eccles. 5:12. but the abundance of the rich will not
  9. Ease, rest , (. . .) shalvah .
    Ezek. 16:49. and abundance of idleness was in her
  10. Abundance , (. . .) shepha .
    Deut. 33:19. they shall suck (of) the abundance of the
  11. Abundance, company , (. . .) shiphah .
    Job 22:11. Or darkness . . . and abundance of waters (and 2 more refs.).
  12. Without number , (. . .) le-en mispar .
    I Chron. 22:4. Also cedar trees in abundance; for the
  13. Abundance , (The word in Greek characters) hadrotes .
    II Cor. 8:20. no man . . . blame us in this abundance
  14. Power, ability , (. . .) dunamis .
    Rev. 18:3. the abundance of her delicacies
  15. Over-abundance , (. . .) perisseia .
    Rom. 5:17. they which receive abundance of grace (and 1 more ref.).
  16. Superfluity , (. . .) perisseuma .
    Matt. 12:34. out of the abundance of the heart of (and 2 more refs.).
  17. To be over and above , (. . .) perisseuo .
    Mark 12:44. all . . . did cast in of their abundance (and 2 more refs.).
  18. Excess, over abundance , (. . .) huperbole .
    II Cor. 12:7. exalted . . . through the abundance of the

This is a typical example of the difference in plan between Young's and Cruden's Concordances.

In sub-division No.7 the reader will observe that the Hebrew word rabah is followed by the figure 5.   Such figures indicate the number that has been allotted to the conjugation of the Hebrew verb. Thus Nos. 1, 3, 5 are active , Nos. 2, 4, 6 passive , and No. 7 reflexive .  So that Qatal :

  • in the first conjugation, is "He killed",
  • in the second, "He was killed",
  • the third, "He killed violently",
  • the fourth, "He was killed violently",
  • the firth, "He caused to kill",
  • the sixth, "He was caused to kill" and  
  • in the seventh, "He killed himself".

While there are many exceptions, the general formula holds good. We now turn to the valuable indexes. On the sample page we have taken we notice that the first Hebrew word is Hamon . Accordingly we turn up the Hebrew Index, and find the following:


abundance 3.
company 1.
many 3.
multitude 62
noise 4.
riches 1.
rumbling 1.
sounding 1
store 2.
tumult 4.

The figures indicate the number of times the word is translated by each English word. We observe that the word most used in the A.V. to translate hamon is "multitude", and accordingly gather that such is its primary meaning. We may be interested enough to look back into the Concordance to see how and where the word hamon is used. Accordingly we look up "noise", or any of the other translations, and, in nearly every case, find further avenues opening up before us. We look up the Greek word dunamis (i.e., No.14 in the Concordance) and find a long list of words into which it is translated. Of these the outstanding word is "power" which translates dunamis 77 times.

Not only is Young's Concordance useful and valuable as an aid in distinguishing things that differ, but there is prefaced to the Concordance, 71 illustrations of Bible Idioms. The reader may here also become acquainted with a few figures of speech, and profit by the useful hints and helps to Bible interpretation so liberally given by the compiler. Then, at the end of the Concordance, beyond the two Index-Lexicons (The Hebrew Index and The Greek Index), is a useful treatise and concordance of Proper Names of the O.T. with their modern pronunciation and the exact form of the original Hebrew.

The Seventh Edition of Young's Analytical Concordance has been revised throughout by Wm. B. Stevenson, B.D. (Edinburgh), and in the latest impression of this edition there is added a sketch of recent exploration in Bible lands, by Thomas Nicol, D.D., together with a series of plates depicting facsimiles of Samaritan, Hebrew, and Greek MSS, and a number of engravings showing many sites and cities mentioned in the Bible.


R. Young
Prefatory note to the first edition
Hints and helps to Bible interpretation


A  B  C  D  E

F  G  H  I   J

K  L  M  N  O

P  Q  R  S  T

U  V  W  Y  Z


Index-lexicon to the Old Testament


A  B  C  D  E

F  G  H  I

K  L  M  N  O

P  Q  R  S  T

U  V  Y  Z

Index-lexicon to the New Testament


A  B  C  D  E

G  H  I

K  L  M  N  O

P  R  S  T

X  Z

Scripture proper names
A sketch of recent exploration in Bible lands


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