by Henry Gough
The reader of The Berean Expositor who has been acquainted with its method of exposition for any length of time, will be aware that the testimony of the Septuagint, especially for the light that is sheds upon the meaning of N.T. words, is held in high esteem. In our Index of Volumes I-XX of The Berean Expositor , we devoted two pages to a special Index of references to the Septuagint Version of the O.T. We would mention The New Testament Quotations, by Henry Gough, because he gives the original Hebrews, the corresponding Septuagint Greek, and the N.T. quotations, together with English translations that enable the reader to compare and check every quotation made from the LXX in the N.T.
Henry Gough's book was published in 1855, and in his preface he pays a tribute to the learned and valuable works of the Rev. E. W. Grinfield INDEX
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