by Edwin Hatch
The reader of The Berean Expositor who has been acquainted with its method of exposition for any length of time, will be aware that the testimony of the Septuagint, especially for the light that is sheds upon the meaning of N.T. words, is held in high esteem. In our Index of Volumes I-XX of The Berean Expositor , we devoted two pages to a special Index of references to the Septuagint Version of the O.T. One other books must be mentioned under this heading, it is:
The work consists largely of the lectures delivered by the author as Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint. The contents are in the form of seven essays, and are very comprehensive in their scope and full of detailed examples. The seven essays are:
The book does not permit of extracts. It is a valuable acquisition. With these works and a good concordance to the LXX, the earnest student has not only a mine in which Treasure lies, but real tools with which to work it out. For the benefit of any who may have been perturbed by a recent misleading reference, take note, the phrase en tois epouraniois "in heavenly places", does not occur in the LXX. INDEX
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