Levend Water
He Kaine Diatheke
The Greek Testament
Volume I
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
S.T. Bloomfield
Charles H. Welch wrote:
A work of much greater value and authority is that entitled:
"The Greek Testament with English Notes, Critical, Philological and Exegetical, especially adapted for the use of theological students, and ministers." By the Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D.D. The ninth edition of this work was published in 1858.
His own note which we extract from the preface, very aptly introduces the words "cautious", "candour", "charity", which we would ourselves use in characterizing this work.
"To revert in a general way to the two departments of his present labours--the critical and exegetical. As to the former, the Author trusts that his recent very extensive researches have enabled him materially to improve the Text which he had long ago framed; at any rate he has been guided by a spirit alike remote on the one hand from the reckless innovation, and, on the other, from a slavish adherence to what had been indeed received . . . . . As to the latter and more important department, he is not aware that aught has been left undone to serve every necessary purpose of the Student in Theology, the Minister and Preacher, and the general Reader of Divinity. Accordingly he trusts that the work will be found to present a constant Handbook supplying an ever ready Aid , and, as far as is needed (though the materials for judgment are always placed before the reader), a Guide . In regard to such portions as concern Systems of Theology --nay even points of doctrine whereon professing Christians, however sober and conscientious, have differed and do differ, he has been anxious to lay down the course of Exegesis (on the adjustment of which the decision of such points turns), in the most cautious manner ever endeavouring to open out the mind of the Spirit in the spirit of love, candour, and Christian charity; at any rate studiously avoiding to treat such passages polemically or controversially."
The reader must be prepared, in practically all his researches, to find that "Dispensational Truth" is scarcely recognized, and that most commentators hold opinions concerning hell, baptism, the Lord's Supper, etc., that are contrary to the teaching for which The Berean Expositor stands. With all this however, those works mentioned here if used with discretion can become tools in the hands of the workman of God, especially in the elucidation of the finer points of grammar and translation, leaving the reader himself the privilege and responsibility of arriving at the true interpretation and application of the truth thus illuminated.
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