An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 9 - Prophetic Truth - Page 94 of 223
20:1 -10 are the martyrs under the Antichrist's persecution, who
'live and reign with Christ a thousand years'.
The phrases 'the rest of the dead' and 'the first resurrection'
compel us to see that the Great White Throne judgment that
follows is the second half of one theme, and that this Great
White Throne judgment is not the judgment of all the ungodly of
all time.  That does not enter into the book of the Revelation.
At the close of the Millennium when Satan is let loose for a
little season, his deceiving words find ready response in 'Gog
and Magog' who invest the camp of the saints in the beloved city,
and are immediately destroyed with fire from heaven.
As an echo, and perhaps a connection with Gog and Magog, we find that
there will be 'feigned obedience' among some of the nations of the earth at
that time.
The Lord will rule with a 'rod of iron' and the emphasis on the word
'iron' cannot be ignored.
When the Lord enters into His Kingdom He will rule in the midst of
While full Millennial blessings will be enjoyed in Jerusalem the
nations that surround that favoured city will slowly learn the way of peace.
(10)  If the converging lines of prophecy are considered, no gap can be found
in which Israel as a nation will be a blessing in the earth.  This can only
take place after their conversion at the Second Coming of the Lord.
(11)  The day of the Lord is to be succeeded by the day of God, and care must
be taken not to cram all future prophecy into the 1,000 years, leaving little
or nothing for the day that follows.
(12)  Other incidental features and arguments are to be found in the articles
of this synopsis which will but supplement and support the main contention
set out above.  Until these can be Scripturally disposed of, we shall not
feel under any obligation to occupy more space, but will gladly return to the
main purpose of our ministry namely, the making known, as far as grace will
enable, of the dispensation of the Mystery with all its blessings, privileges
and responsibilities.
We learn from Isaiah 45:18 that the Lord did not create the earth 'in
vain', where the words so translated are in the Hebrew tohu, 'without form',
as in Genesis 1:2.  He formed it to be 'inhabited'.  When the curse falls
upon Babylon, depletion of human life is included, 'it shall never be
inhabited' (Isa. 13:20).  The same was said of Jerusalem and the cities of
Israel in Isaiah 6:11, 'Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant', in
the day of their blindness, but 'Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns
without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein', in the day of
their restoration (Zech. 2:4).
The command to Adam at his creation was to be fruitful and multiply and
to replenish the earth (Gen. 1:28), a command repeated to Noah after the
flood (Gen. 9:1).  The purpose of God moves from the Race (in Adam) and the
Nations (in Noah), to the one chosen nation, Israel (in Abraham).  Israel,