An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 262 of 304
This structure, though much simplified, presents the essential
features, the tireless pleading of the true watchmen, the complete reversal
of such conditions as 'forsaken' and 'desolate' and the most blessed figures
borrowed from marriage set forth the glory that awaits a repentant and
redeemed Israel.
He Who comes as the Bridegroom and Kinsman-Redeemer, comes also as the
Avenger (Isa. 61:2):
'The day of vengeance is in Mine heart, and the year of My redeemed is
come' (Isa. 63:4).
Neither the restoration of Israel nor vengeance upon their enemies can
be undertaken by the arm of the flesh.  In vain they had said 'A confederacy'
and leaned upon that broken reed, Egypt.  In the Lord is their help.
'I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was
none to uphold: therefore Mine own arm brought salvation unto Me; and
My fury, it upheld Me' (Isa. 63:5).
This is He of Whom John writes in Revelation 19:
'And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is
called the Word of God' (Rev. 19:13).
Although the Lord will accomplish all His will, and the purpose of the
ages must be attained, He nevertheless works with human instruments who are
moral agents, conscious of right and wrong, and accordingly on the very eve
of the great fulfilment of Israel's hopes, there is a glance back to the
beginning, a reference to the 'days of old', showing by their history how far
human responsibility is intertwined with Divine Sovereignty.
'He said, Surely they are My people, children that will not lie: so He
was their Saviour' (Isa. 63:8).
He shared their burdens and sorrow 'and carried them all the days of
old' (Isa. 63:9).
But this favoured people rebelled, they vexed His Holy Spirit, He
turned away from them and became their enemy. Yet the 'days of old' could not
be forsaken.  'He remembered the days of old, Moses ... that led them by the
right hand' (Isa. 63:11,12).  And so remembering His covenant, the Lord had
mercy on a rebellious people, provided a ransom for their sins, and from
being outcasts and forsaken, He called them Hephzi -bah and their land
Beulah, so great is His kindness, so deep is His love.
Isaiah 63:7-14
They are My people.
The days of old.
The days of old.
12 -14.
So didst Thou lead Thy people.