An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 211 of 304
It is designed and intended as a prediction, and is not like the
suggestion of Caiaphas, which might be called an unworthy
It is written, and published, and proclaimed before the event to
which it refers, and which could not be foreseen at the time by
ordinary human sagacity.
It is subsequently fulfilled in accordance with the original
utterance, due regard being had to the recognized laws of prophetic
speech and interpretation.
It does not work out its own fulfilment, but stands as a witness
until after the event has taken place.
It is not an isolated utterance, but is more or less correlated
with other prophecies, and is practically one of a long series of
predictions'.  (The Grammar of Prophecy).
He remarks that these are the marks of what we call an 'ideal'
prophecy.  Some will be found that do not come up to this humanly devised
standard.  But some, notably those that have to do with the destiny of the
seed of Abraham, and the mission of the Son of God, do.  Isaiah 41:22,23;
46:9 -11 and Amos 3:7 clearly emphasize the predictive element, which is the
first and most important aspect of prophecy, to us who live long after the
immediate purpose has passed away together with the people and the
circumstances that called for its utterance.
Girdlestone adds a further five ideas concerning God, which are
implied in Biblical prophecy.  We summarize them as follows:
The personality of God lies at the foundation of this as of all
The Eternity of God is a necessary corollary ... He was, He is,
He is to come.
The existence of Purpose in the Divine mind follows next.
Divine Omnipotence is the fourth element.
'Hath he said, and
shall He not do it?'
He is capable of making known His purposes beforehand.
While these are the findings of a man, as frail and as liable to error
as the best of us, they are nevertheless valuable in that they point the way
to a full and reasonable apprehension of this most wonderful feature in the
Inspired record.
'From this day will I bless you'
Haggai was the first prophet by whom God spoke after the return from
captivity.  His prophecy is dated 'in the second year of Darius the king',
which, according to the chronology worked out by The Companion Bible, was