An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 7 of 304
The first Advent of Christ.
The return of Israel to their land, there to become a kingdom of
The second Advent of Christ,
To reign for a thousand years, which will be the winding up
of the 'former heavens and earth' under the reign of sin, death
and the usurpation of the devil.
The continuance of Christ's reign through the new heavens
and earth, and on throughout the Day of God until 'the End' is
reached (1 Cor. 15:24 -28).
And keeping pace with this is the Satanic usurpation of Genesis 3, the
concept of a 'kingdom' for the first time at Babel in Genesis 11, and the
conflict of the 'two seeds' until the last enemy is destroyed, death
swallowed up in victory, and God 'all in all'.
We sincerely trust that students of the Scriptures will find these
volumes an incentive to further and fuller research; they will fail of their
purpose if they are merely read and quoted.  We hope that the Berean spirit
will ever be uppermost in the attitude of all our readers; our office is to
point the way, not to 'have dominion over your faith' (2 Cor. 1:24), or
imagine that we are or can be 'lords over God's heritage' (1 Pet. 5:3).
To us the practical bearing of prophecy seems to be summed up in the
'The grace of God ... teaching us that ... we should Live ... Looking
for that blessed hope ...' (Titus 2:11-13).
Finally let us remember that the study of prophecy is not intended to
turn us into third -rate prophets, but to act as a light which shines in a
dark place 'until the day dawn'.