An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 8 - Prophetic Truth - Page 6 of 304
The peculiar nature of our testimony led us to give special attention
to Dispensational Truth, but the omission of many doctrinal themes from our
pages, induced us to prepare supplementary parts devoted to fundamental
doctrines.  Even then a vast territory remained unexplored, and a further
supplement dealing with prophecy was prepared, and is here presented to the
earnest attention of the reader.
Under one heading (Last Days -- The beginning of apostasy in the
dispensation of the Mystery, p. 435) we have segregated the prophetic
utterances of Paul found in his epistles to Timothy, these being in a
distinct category, and of supreme importance to the church of the present
Owing to the keen interest that has been manifested in the subject of
the Millennium, a series of articles has been assembled under the heading
Millennial Studies, which includes a number of appendices, so that the reader
may be spared a search through longer articles for one or two separate
Where sufficient information has already been given in earlier volumes
we give a cross reference.  Over -simplification however can be as harmful as
over -elaboration, and where the subject demanded it we have not hesitated to
repeat ourselves, especially as this is a book of reference.
It may be helpful if we remember that Prophecy is devoted to, and
pivoted on, three main themes, namely: