An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 280 of 297
'The father of history' (484 b.c.).  He was born one hundred years
after the death of Isaiah, and twelve years before the first year of
Nebuchadnezzar's dominion.
Philosopher (469 b.c).
He held that 'the proper study of mankind is
'The father of medicine' (460 b.c.).
Philosopher (429 b.c.).  He sought to solve
the riddle of the universe
by the discovery of the ultimate Good.  His
doctrine of the immortality
of the soul percolated into the teaching of
the church and stultified
in some degree the glorious doctrine of the
'The father of learning' (384 b.c.).  Turning from the Platonic unity
of being, Aristotle directed his attention to the variety that is in
the world, and as an instrument in this investigation he brought logic
to a very high pitch of completeness.
'The founder of Stoicism' (342 b.c.).  At his death a monument was
erected to his memory, with the words: 'His life corresponded with his
'The founder of Epicureanism' (340 b.c.).  His motto was: 'The greatest
good for the entire life'.  As it was, 'the entire life' held no
certain hope, and without resurrection, Epicureanism degenerated into:
'Eat, drink and be merry'.
'The father of mathematics' (300 b.c.).
Philosopher (300 b.c.).  We know him best by a hymn to Zeus, from which
the apostle quotes in Acts 17:28.
'The father of mechanics' (287 b.c.).  He said: 'Give me a lever long
enough, and I will move the earth', but alas, like so many other claims
by these philosophers and thinkers, he did not reveal what he would do
without the essential fulcrum.
'The father of astronomy' (150 b.c.).
He made a catalogue of 1,080
stars, and invented trigonometry.
Such are a few of the outstanding names of men who contributed to the
wisdom of the world during the silent years that followed the close of the
Old Testament canon.  We regard that 'feeling after God' with keen sympathy,
and we turn afresh to the Word, Living and written, and say with even deeper