An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 255 of 297
We are now ready to consider some further points in connection with our
subject -- the history of the Hebrew text, the question of the Hebrew
characters, the bearing of the Targums, the Talmud, the work of the Sopherim
and the Massorites, the methods adopted by the Hebrew scribe to ensure
accuracy, and other considerations of interest and importance.
The preservation of the Hebrew Text
We have now to consider the history of the Hebrew text of the Old
With the exception of the Dead Sea scroll of Isaiah, which is dated
about the second century a.d., there are no Hebrew Manuscripts of a date
earlier than the eighth century.  The reason is that the Jews took the
precaution of destroying a scroll when ever it showed signs of wear lest it
should lead to mistakes in reading.  Dr. Davidson has given a fairly clear
account of the scrupulous care that the Hebrew copyist exercised in the
transcribing of the Sacred Text.  When the reader has read the extract below,
he will cease to wonder how it is that the Hebrew manuscripts have remained
so accurate up to the present time.  The precautions taken may seem trivial,
or even superstitious, but they were effective in hedging about the Holy
'A synagogue roll must be written on the skins of clean animals,
prepared for the particular use of the synagogue by a Jew.  These must
be fastened together with strings taken from clean animals.  Every skin
must contain a certain number of columns, equal through the entire
codex.  The length of each column must not extend over less than forty-
eight, or more than sixty lines; and the breadth must consist of thirty
letters.  The whole copy must be first lined; and if three words be
written in it without a line, it is worthless.  The ink should be
black, neither red, green nor any other colour, and be prepared
according to a definite recipe.  An authentic copy must be the
exemplar, from which the transcriber ought not in the least to deviate.
No word or letter, not even a yod, must be written from memory, the
scribe not having looked at the codex before him ... Between every
consonant the space of a hair or thread must intervene; between every
word the breadth of a narrow consonant, between every new parshiah, or
section, the breadth of nine consonants, between every book three
lines.  The fifth book of Moses must terminate exactly with a line: but
the rest need not do so.  Besides this, the copyist must sit in full
Jewish dress, wash his whole body, not begin to write the name of God
with a pen not newly dipped in ink, and should a King address him he
must take no notice of him ... The rolls on which these regulations are
not observed are condemned to be buried in the ground or burned; or
they are banished to the schools to be used as reading books' (Dr.
'The Hebrew language, probably one of seven branches of the old Semitic
stock which was probably the primeval speech of mankind, has been
subject, like all others, to a series of changes ... In its earliest
written state it exhibits, in the writing of Moses, a perfection of
structure which was never surpassed ... The great crisis of the
language occurs at the time of the captivity in Babylon.  There, as a
spoken tongue, it became deeply tinged with the Aramaic ... But while
these changes were taking place in the vernacular speech, the Hebrew