An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 237 of 297
Tabernacle.  It does not fall within the very prescribed limits of this
volume to go extensively into the actual make-up of the Tabernacle erected by
Moses in the wilderness.  This we must do in some measure, but the greatest
service will be to direct attention to the way in which the apostle speaks of
it in the epistle to the Hebrews.
The purpose that is in view in Hebrews 9 is to show that the Old
Covenant with all its types and ordinances, was waxing old and 'ready to
vanish away' (Heb. 8:13).  We can understand how difficult it must have been
for these Hebrew believers to relinquish the services associated with the Old
Covenant, but the writer, by exposing the fact that the services and
sacrifices of the Old Covenant never actually touched the conscience, and by
exposing to their view the excellencies of the heavenly realities now opened
to them through the mediation of Christ, would lead them 'on to perfection'.
Here, as Dr. John Owen puts it, the author:
'Takes off the veil from the face of Moses, declaring the nature and
end of the old covenant, the use, signification and efficacy of all the
institutions and ordinances of worship thereunto belonging ... the best
among them were much in the dark as to their proper use and
signification.  For the veil was so on the face of Moses, that the
children of Israel could not look stedfastly to the end of that which
was to be abolished (2 Cor. 3:13).  This he now doctrinally removes ...
Unto the general end mentioned, the apostle makes use of all sorts of
arguments, taken from the constitution, nature, use, efficacy, offices
and ordinances of the one covenant and the other: comparing them
together.  And in all his arguings, he openly designs the demonstration
of two things:
That the Old Covenant, with all its administrations, was to
That it was not only to the advantage of the church that they
should do so, but absolutely necessary, that it might be brought
unto that perfect state which it was designed unto.
In order with the first of these, he hath done two things in the
preceding chapters.
He hath declared, that these were prefigurations and predictions
of the cessation of the first Covenant, and all its
He hath evinced the necessity hereof, because that Covenant could
not consummate the state of the church, and both these he confirms by
the consideration of the typical nature of all its ordinances and
institutions.  For whereas there was in and by them a representation
made of heavenly things, those heavenly things themselves could not be
introduced, without their removal.
Turning to Hebrews 9, and its references to the Tabernacle, we observe
that this chapter hath two general parts.