An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 7 - Doctrinal Truth - Page 209 of 297
This is one of nine such references in the Old Testament.
Let us see the
other occurrences:
Psalm 104:2.
'Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain'.
Isaiah 42:5.
'Thus said God the Lord, He that created the heavens,
and stretched them out'.
Isaiah 44:24.
'I am the Lord ... that stretcheth forth the heavens
Isaiah 45:12.
'I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I,
even My hands, have stretched out the heavens'.
Isaiah 51:13.
'The Lord thy Maker, that hath stretched forth the
heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth'.
Jeremiah 10:12.
'(He) hath stretched out the heavens by His
Jeremiah 51:15.
'(He) hath stretched out the heaven by His
Zechariah 12:1.
'The Lord, Which stretcheth forth the heavens'.
There can be no doubt as to the meaning of these words; heaven is
likened unto a tent or tabernacle.  This turns us back to Genesis 1, where we
'And God said, Let there be a firmament ... and God called the
firmament Heaven' (Gen. 1:6-8).
The English translation still retains some of the influence of the Latin
Vulgate, which reads 'firmamentum', this being a translation of the Greek
stereoma, which in turn translates the Hebrew raqia explained in the margin
of the A.V. as 'expansion'.
Raq, the adjective, means 'thin or lean'
(Gen. 41:19,20,27).
Raqiq is translated 'wafer' (Exod. 29:2,23; Lev. 2:4).
Riqquim is used for the 'broad plates' (Num. 16:38) or, as the R.V. has it,
'beaten plates', or 'thin plates' according to Gesenius.
It will be seen from these references that the present world made for
Adam, can be likened to a tabernacle; man, and the dominion given to him,
being set forth in the symbolism of the cherubim, i.e. the man, lion, ox
and eagle, and in addition, a peculiar and special word is employed in the
book of Job that associates the foundations of the earth with the silver
sockets, made of the redemption shekels which are prescribed by Moses.
First, let us look back to the list of occurrences and note that the
reference to the stretching out of the heavens is connected with the laying
of the foundations of the earth.
Psalm 104:5.
'Who laid the foundations of the earth'.