An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 221 of 328
testimony ... .  We may range through the inspired pages of the law and
the prophets, from one end to the other, and find no solution of "the
great Mystery" of the Church ... Peter received the keys of the
kingdom, and he used those keys, first to open the kingdom to the Jew,
and then to the Gentile.  But Peter never received a commission to
unfold the mystery of the church'. (`Life and Times of Elijah the
How strange to find C.H.M. and C.H.W. saying the same things, yet how
strange to note the way in which `The Brethren' have honoured the one, and
repudiated the other!
In 1870 Richard Holden wrote a work entitled:
`The Mystery, The Special Mission of the Apostle Paul, The Key to the
Present Dispensation'.
Here is a brief quotation from this very precious testimony.
`To make all see what is the dispensation, or in other words, to be the
divinely -appointed instructor in the character and order of the
present time, as Moses was in the dispensation of "law", is that
special feature in the commission of Paul in which it was distinct from
that of the other apostles ... If then it shall appear, that, far from
seeing "what is the dispensation of the Mystery" the mass of Christians
have entirely missed it, and, as the natural consequence have almost
completely misunderstood Christianity, importing into it the things
proper to another dispensation, and so confounding Judaism and
Christianity in an inexpressible jumble; surely it is a matter for deep
humiliation before God, and for earnest, prayerful effort to retrieve
with God's help, this important and neglected teaching'.
It seems almost unbelievable that a movement that could produce such a
testimony, could nevertheless, perpetuate that `inexpressible jumble' namely
of confusing the New Covenant or Testament, made only `with the house of
Israel and with the house of Judah' (Jer. 31:31), and make it the very centre
of that worship and assembly, thereby `confounding Judaism' with the truth of
the Church of the Mystery, the present dispensation and calling, in which no
covenant new or old finds a place, but a choice and a promise made `before
the foundation of the world'.
The Lord, however, Who knows the hearts of all men, will not allow any
of His servants an exclusive claim in knowledge, lest pride and boasting
spoil the testimony.  We gratefully acknowledge the pioneer work done by
others before us, who in their turn were quickened and directed by other
witnesses.  In the end, we all shall appear in a twofold capacity, viz.,
sowers and reapers -- sowers of seed garnered from the harvest prepared
before by others.
This matter, however, is scarcely a point in the criticism, although in
a part, which we do not quote, there is the thought that the exposition of
the Scriptures along the lines of this Analysis is somewhat of a presumption,
seeing that for nineteen centuries the church as a whole has taught on other
lines!  There is, however, but one test for all truth -- not its antiquity,
nor its popularity, but whether it is in harmony with all that God has
written.  And this we claim for dispensational truth.  We can well imagine
that `B' will interject here: `But surely you will give me credit for