An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 220 of 328
history commences, when they again have returned in unbelief to their
own land, then the historic detail of Daniel recommences, and is given
even with greater emphasis than before.  So entirely is Gentile history
made in the Scripture to revolve around Jerusalem as its centre.
Whilst Jerusalem nationally exists, the history of the nations that are
brought into connection with it is given; but when Jerusalem ceases to
exist nationally, the history of the Gentiles in Scripture ceases too.
We are in the interval, the period of dispersion, now.  It will
terminate when Jerusalem is nationally reconstituted.  (Watching and
Waiting, March -April 1953.)
Look at the words `no person, no place, no date is mentioned during the
present period of dispersion'.  These words cry aloud that Dispensational
Truth demands during the period of Israel's blindness which commenced at
Acts 28:23 -31, that no Old Testament Prophecy is being fulfilled.  Matthew
24 also must belong, not to the present calling of the Mystery, but to the
`third period' when the `historic detail of Daniel recommences'; that a new
revelation, with a new sphere, constitution and hope must be given by God if
any Gentile is to be saved and blessed during the setting aside of the
hitherto exclusive channel of blessing -- Israel.  Accepting B. W. Newton's
view and taking it to its logical conclusion, we have the following threefold
division of Israel's history:
First Division
Second division
Third Division
From Nebuchadnezzar
`There is a pause'.
Unbelieving history
to Dispersion by the
Here comes the
commences, historic
Romans, a.d. 70, a
dispensation of the
detail of Daniel
few years after Acts 28.
Mystery, a parenthesis,
recommences. Daniel
unconnected with Israel,
9 is intimately
Prophecy or Covenants.
linked with Matthew
From Acts 28 to the
24 (Matt. 24:15)
resumption of prophecy.
and so completely
disassociated from
the Second Division.
To the making known of the unique calling of this `Second Division'
wherein Israel is `dispersed' the writer has devoted the bulk of his life and
energies, yet those who advocate the teaching of B. W. Newton as set out in
the above quotation, can, at the selfsame time, see nothing incongruous in
seeing in Matthew 24 with its incisive reference to Daniel 9, characteristics
of the hope of the church today.  Is it too much to believe that a few, after
pondering these things may be led, Berean like, to `search and see'?
The May issue for 1952, Questions and Answers, edited by the late Dr.
Harold P. Morgan, Riverton, New Jersey, U.S.A. opens with the following
`What Were The Teachings of Early Plymouth Brethren Regarding The
Church, The Body of Christ?'
Quotations are made in answer to this question from two teachers among
the early Brethren, namely C. H. Macintosh, and Richard Holden.
`The thought of a church composed of Jew and Gentile "seated together
in the heavenlies" Lay Far beyond (our emphasis) the range of prophetic