An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 5 - Dispensational Truth - Page 156 of 328
word when he speaks of `the empty place' (Job 26:7), of `going to nothing'
(Job 6:18) and wandering in a `wilderness' (Job 12:24).  The prophet Isaiah
however, uses the word more frequently than any other writer of the Old
Testament, for it occurs in his prophecy eleven times.  The significance of
the number eleven is given in Number in Scripture by Dr. Bullinger, as
`Disorder, disorganization, imperfection and disintegration'.  It is
significant that when the disintegration of Israel was at hand, Jehoiakim
reigned eleven years (2 Kings 23:36); Zedekiah reigned eleven years (2 Chron.
36:11); note also Jeremiah 39:2 and Ezekiel 26:1 and 30:20).  The earth was
not created tohu `without form'; it became so, and this is an important
revelation, shedding light upon the meaning of the passage in Ephesians 1:4
`before the foundation (overthrow) of the world'.  This however is too vast a
theme to be pursued here, the subject will be found in the series on
Ephesians in Volume 36 of The Berean Expositor.  The eleven occurrences of
tohu in Isaiah are as follows: