| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 37 of 222 INDEX | |
which is generally translated `and'. A modern writer would not, as a rule,
commence a book with `and' but Moses does, in order that no break shall be
made between the record of Genesis and Exodus. Leviticus opens with the word
`and' -- so does Numbers.
So in the book of Revelation there is an interlocking of the narrative
by the continuous use of the conjunction `and' (Rev. 5:1; 6:1; 7:1; 8:1) and
so on up to chapter 22. There can be no appreciable break between Revelation
19 and 20, certainly not one of 500 years.
What can we say of the theory that has been advanced of a `Pre -
Millennial kingdom' that shall last about 500 years? What we have to say may
matter little, but what saith the Scripture is the responsible quest of every
We cannot sit back and see a beloved and respected brother, who has
valiantly stood for the principle of Right Division and its consequences for
so many years, do harm to his testimony without uttering a word of protest.
We implore all who read this article to `search and see', to re -examine the
materials set forth by any and every God -fearing commentator, and to be
prepared to lose even their greatest friend, rather than be found wanting in
that day.
We would echo the comment of Dr. Bullinger in another context, when he
said, `O that you would make a chart of it'.
In Daniel 2 we have Gentile dominion stretching to the moment of impact
of the stone cut out without hands. Can anyone see how it is possible to set
out that vision and introduce into verse 44 an interval of 500 years? If
there be a Pre -Millennial kingdom of that duration what is the explanation
for its complete absence in Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:1 -14 or Revelation 19 and
The following definition of a miracle we have found written in the
margin of a theological work, but are not sure that it is a quotation. If it
is, it may be taken from Theological Institutes, by Rev. R. Watson.
`A miracle is an effect or event contrary to the established
constitution or course of things; or a sensible suspension or
controlment of a deviation from the known laws of nature, wrought
either by the immediate act, or by the concurrence, or by the
permission of God, for the proof or evidence of some particular
doctrine, or in attestation of some particular person. The force of a
miracle is that it is beyond human power and must be a special
interposition of God'.
Under the heading Baptism1, some of the teaching of the New Testament
concerning supernatural gifts has been discussed, and that article should be
considered as a supplement to the one now before us. There are seven words
used in the Greek New Testament which are translated miracle, which we will
set out before the reader:
Dunamis -- An act of power. The English dynamo, dynamite and dynamics
have power as their dominant note.