| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 3 - Dispensational Truth - Page 36 of 222 INDEX | |
things' (Rev. 13:5) stoma laloun megala in both LXX and Greek New Testament.
In Daniel 7:13 the Son of Man is seen coming upon the clouds of heaven,
identical words being used in Matthew 24:30.
`And they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven' epi
ton nephelon tou ouranon.
The time of this Coming is indissolubly linked with Daniel 9:27 as
Matthew 24:15 will show:
`When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of
by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place ...'
and the reference to tribes of the earth mourning in Matthew 24:30 is a
reference back to Zechariah 12:10 -14.
There are different forms of government in the world today, ranging
from a monarchy down through a republic and the Soviet conception, to the
local government of a village council. Such a word cannot and does not
represent the Greek word basileia. This word, in classical Greek means,
according to Liddle and Scott, `a kingdom, dominion, hereditary monarchy, a
diadem, and as a form of address, majesty'. Any appeal to the pagan use of
the word but substantiates the claim, that the only form of government that
prophecy foreshadows is `a kingdom, dominion, associated with hereditary
monarchy, a diadem and majesty' which terms are foreign to any other form of
government, save one, that of a king. God's answer to the anarchy of the
last days is to announce:
`Yet have I set (or anointed see margin) My King upon My holy hill of
Zion' (Psa. 2:6).
Christ, as King, is to sit upon a throne; the word government is not
sufficient for this idea. The U.S.A. has a `government', but the President
has neither crown, throne nor sceptre. The Son of God is to wear a crown,
wield a sceptre and have dominion from sea to sea. As King He is the
Anointed, of whom David is the type. He is also to `reign', a term
inapplicable to any form of government other than the monarchical. We cannot
stand by and hold our peace while the Lord is robbed of His crown rights, or
of His place, as He is when it is suggested that Psalm 2 cannot refer to
Christ, because it reads `against the Lord, and against His Anointed' (tou
Christou autou LXX). As we have seen, the same argument would dethrone the
Son of God in Revelation 11:15 where we read `the kingdom of our Lord, and of
His Christ' (tou Christou autou), identical language. Again, to suggest that
because in many passages of the Old Testament the `Anointed' refers to Aaron,
David, Elijah and others, the Saviour Himself cannot be intended in Psalm 2
or in Daniel 9 is unwarranted. The `Messiah' was on the lips of the common
people, as can be seen in John 1:20,41; 4:29 as well as in use by inspired
speakers like Peter (Matt. 16:16) or of educated men like a High Priest
(Matt. 26:63). The Church of the One Body can be in a kingdom without
confusion, as surely as a `corporation' can be in the kingdom of Great
Britain without confusion.
The phraseology of the Apocalypse is much like that of the Old
Testament and noticeably in the use of the conjunction `and'. Thus the book
of Exodus commences with the word `now' in the A.V. The Hebrew word is vav