| An Alphabetical Analysis Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 212 of 277 INDEX | |
With these things made clear from the Word itself, we can now return to
Ephesians 6 to obtain further light upon its teaching. The 'high places' of
Ephesians 6:12 as the margin tells us, are, more correctly, 'heavenly
places'. Now the earlier references to 'heavenly places' leave no doubt
about the fact that they are at the right hand of God. Are these 'spiritual
wickednesses in heavenly places', then at the right hand of God? It is
imperative that we seek a Scriptural answer to this question, for we must
remember that Satan's authority is limited to the 'air', and that Christ and
His church are 'far above all principality' and therefore far above the realm
of Satan. In a footnote to an article written years ago by the author in
Things to Come, Dr. E. W. Bullinger drew attention to the true disposition of
the verse:
'For we wrestle not
But With principalities
In heavenly places'.
with flesh and blood
... Of This World.
We do not wrestle with flesh and blood; neither do we wrestle in
heavenly places. We do wrestle with spiritual wickednesses who are the
rulers of the darkness of this world, not of that world at the right hand of
God. The reader may appreciate a confirmatory passage where a similar
division of subject is necessary. As 2 Peter 1:19 stands in the Authorized
Version it lends colour to the erroneous teaching that the Second Coming of
Christ is not to be understood as a literal future event, but as the 'day
star' arising 'in our hearts'. We get the truth by dividing the verse as we
divided Ephesians 6:12:
'Whereunto ye do well
as unto a light ... and
in your
the day star arise.
What is the 'evil day' of Ephesians 6:13? We know that there is yet to
be war in heaven between Michael and his angels, and the dragon and his
angels (Rev. 12:7). We know that when Israel crossed the Jordan and entered
their inheritance, Jericho was encircled and its walls fell. So, too, there
may be a day for which we are now preparing. For the present, however, it is
certain that no campaign or conquest is in view in Ephesians 6. Our orders
are to 'stand', to 'stand against' and to 'withstand'. To exceed our orders
is as much disobedience as to refuse to obey.
The Complete Armour
It will be observed that there are six pieces in the whole armour of
God detailed in Ephesians 6:14 -18. They are as follows:
Girdle (under all)
Truth or faithfulness.
Breastplate (heart)
Shoes (feet)
Firm basis of Gospel.
Shield (over all)
Faith or faithfulness.
Helmet (head)
Sword (hand)
Word of God.
Let us notice some features that come into prominence by this twofold