An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 91 of 277
Subject: The Holy Scriptures
2 Timothy 3.
Scripture: Child and Salvation
How Scripture was given.
(15).  Man and Service (17).
Scripture, graphe = written (16).
Inspire, pneuma = breathed (as in
2 Peter 1.
Purpose of Prophecy: Lamp in
How Prophecy came.
dark (19).  'Private
interpretation' means 'own
unfolding' (20).  'Moved' (21) =
'drive' in (Acts 27:15,17).
Luke 24.
Moses and all Prophets (27).
The O.T. and Christ.
Opened eyes (31).
Opened Scriptures (32).
Opened understanding (45).
Moses, Prophets, Psalms --
concerning Himself (44).
John 17.
The words (8).
Inspired 'words' make up
The Word (14).
'the Word'.
Thy Word is truth (17).
Psalm 119:1 -16.
Nearly every verse contains a
reference to the Word and uses a
variety of titles such as 'law',
'testimonies', etc.
Verses to memorize (one each week): 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Luke
24:27; John 17:17; Psalm 119:1.
Questions based on Readings
2 Timothy 3.
(1) What does the word Scripture mean?  (2)
How was Scripture given?  (3) Will Scripture help a
child?  How?
2 Peter 1.
(1) What is prophecy like?  (2) How did it first
come?  (3) Who is prophecy mostly about?
Luke 24.
(1) How much of the O.T. refers to Christ'?  (2)
What was the effect of the opened Scriptures on the
two disciples?
John 17.
(1) When was this
prayer offered?  And for
whom did the Lord
Jesus pray?  (2) What work did  He
do on earth?  And
whose words did He speak?  (3) Can
we understand the
Word of God if we neglect the words
He uses?
Psalm 119:1 -16.
(1) In what way can God's Word help us?  (2)
What do these verses say about 'way' and ways?