An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 28 of 277
which we have been considering is used for the 'fitting out of a ship'.  Now
the world has a proverb which says, 'There is no back door to a ship', the
obvious meaning being that the equipment of a ship for a voyage must be
thorough, comprising within itself provision for all possible contingencies,
and it is the glory of the Scriptures given by inspiration of God, that such
an equipment for the man of God is their special province.
So far we have pondered the fact and the meaning of the equipment; we
must examine this complete equipment in relation to its context.  We have
seen that the words 'throughly furnished' indicate complete equipment, both
in matter and in method.  We now examine the context in order that by its
light we may the better see what this complete equipment involves and
implies.  Just as it is true that no man liveth unto himself or dieth unto
himself, so it is true that all words used in rational discourse take some
colour and modification from the passage in which they are found.  Thus the
expression 'A well -furnished house' conjures up an entirely different set of
ideas from the expression 'A well -furnished mind', yet the difference lies
not in the word 'well -furnished' but in their relationship either with a
'house' or a 'mind'.  We must therefore not rest satisfied with having
examined the meaning and usage of exartizo, but go on to consider the bearing
that the context has upon its meaning.
As we look at the context that precedes and follows this word, the
first fact that registers itself upon the mind is that it is almost entirely
related to the Holy Scriptures.  These Scriptures are said to be profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction (2 Tim. 3:16), and
the exhortation follows in the next chapter to 'preach the Word ... reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine' (2 Tim. 4:2), which most
evidently looks back to the characteristics of the Word, already examined in
2 Timothy 3:16.
By scrutinizing the whole epistle we discover that 2 Timothy 3:10 to
4:8 constitutes a complete member, and this will set the bounds of the
immediate context which we are seeking.  Broadly, it may be set out thus:
2 Timothy 3:10 to 4:8
3:10 -12.
Paul's doctrine and ministry.
The Beginning.
3:13 -17.
Scripture for doctrine.
The Judge and His appearing.
Preach the Word ... with doctrine.
4:3 -7.
Paul's doctrine and ministry.
The End.
The Judge and His appearing.
Omitting for the time being the reference to the beginning and the
ending of Paul's ministry, we have the closer context of chapter 3:13 to 4:2,
which we must now examine more closely.  This passage opens with the
deception that arises from the teaching of evil men, 'deceiving and being
deceived', and looks down the age to the time that will come when men shall
turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned unto fables.  In contrast
with such fatal error the apostle places the 'throughly furnished' man of
God.  This man of God was once a child; this man, who is now seeking to serve
his Lord once needed to be shown the way of salvation.  We are not only saved
to serve, but no one can possibly serve who has not already been saved, 'for
all have sinned':