An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 27 of 277
New Testament is associated with parables, where it is translated 'to put
forth' (Matt. 13:24), a mode of teaching in which one thing is placed beside
(para) another, thus, 'The field is the world' (Matt. 13:38). The apostle's
method therefore was twofold.  First, he opened up the Scriptures.  This
would involve not only quotation, but any needed explanation to make plain
the inspired sense to the hearer.  Then he compared Scripture with Scripture,
and Scripture with historic fact, or with feeling, and so produced a
convincing argument.  There was one further element that Paul added to his
manner of preaching which vivified his reasoning and alleging: he 'testified'
or 'bore witness' to the truth he expounded.  With this word he summed up his
early ministry, 'testifying (diamarturomenos) both to the Jews, and also to
the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ'
(Acts 20:21).  From this time he looked forward to entering upon his second
great ministry, 'to testify the gospel of the grace of God' (Acts 20:24), and
with this expounding and testifying he brought his ministry to Israel to a
close (Acts 28:23).
Paul's message was the testimony of a lover of the Scriptures, not the
mere deliverance of a doctrinaire.  The alphabet he used may have been
learned at the feet of Gamaliel, but the gospel he preached he learned at the
foot of the Cross.  His learning and logic was made a living thing by reason
of his personal testimony.  He was both preacher and teacher.  He brought
good tidings of great joy; he announced the message given him with no
uncertain sound, and he taught, and 'showed', as the word translated
'doctrine' indicates, the unfolding of the mind and will of God.  He knew by
bitter experience the bondage of legalism; he knew what pride of race and
religion could never give.  He knew the conflict that the believer
experiences, for he confessed that when he would do good evil was present
with him; and so he emphasizes the need for sympathy with our hearers in all
their pilgrim experiences.
Turning from the example of Paul to some who served with him in the
gospel, we learn another important lesson in Christian equipment.  In Acts
18:24 -28 we read of a man named Apollos, who was both 'mighty' in the
Scriptures and an 'eloquent' man.  We might be pardoned for believing that
such a man was 'throughly furnished'.  Yet Aquila and Priscilla evidently
thought otherwise, for they took him home, and there expounded to him the way
of God 'more perfectly'.  These faithful servants of Christ enabled Apollos
to sort out his already abundant material; to arrange, to classify, to
differentiate, to complete (for he knew only 'the baptism of John').  In
other words, he was led to see the need for 'rightly dividing the Word of
truth', and as a consequence he 'helped them much which had believed through
grace', besides 'mightily' convincing the Jews (Acts 18:27,28).
It must not be forgotten that the thorough furnishing of the Christian
worker will not be attained unless he adds to all that has been brought
forward such qualities as 'lowliness of mind'.  While at one time the apostle
would 'magnify' his office, at another he would recognize that he was indeed
'less than the least of all saints'.  The apostle was consistent.  His
preaching and his practising went hand in hand.  'Thou hast fully known my
doctrine, manner of life'. Thus he not only taught the church to support the
weak, but he could say, 'These hands have ministered ... I have shewed you
...' (Acts 20:34,35).
While Paul had no confidence in the flesh, he had great confidence in
His Lord.  He was not to be made ashamed or intimidated by persecution,
opposition or desertion, he 'knew' Whom he had believed.  The word exartizo