As we continue our study of "The Great Redemptive Work of God in Christ Jesus" we ask you to read Ex. 8:5-8. Once again, take special notice of the "end" or "the fullness of the Lord's Redemption" in regard to His People Israel, which is..."to bring them in unto their heritage".

Yes, the Truth that is here to be learned is that "The Redemption" is not full redemption until the purpose has been fully realized. It is sad to think that some well-meaning folks have the mistaken notion that God Almighty has negated His "sworn oaths" to this special people Israel (which was repeated four times in verse eight), for if He has dismissed His promises, and any future working with that people, then not one of them will ever realize a full redemption. Such an errant conclusion is unthinkable - and I would have the world to know that the Lord I serve does not, yea, cannot, lie. His promises - His words are sure words. What He has sworn makes it as if it were already "A Done Deal." Yes, His Redemptive Work will be fully realized, in His own way, and in His own time.

So, as we continue our study and our consideration of this great and divine work of redemption, never lose sight of The End, The Goal, The Purpose - yea, His Purpose.

We have searched for true knowledge and right understanding of all that is inherent truth in the Hebrew and Greek words that have been translated by our English words Redeem and Redemption. I have found it most interesting that each of the authors that I have sought council from, have made the Book of Ruth a large part of their consideration and understanding of what is to be kept in view as one studies the subject of redemption.

Yes, the biblical account of Ruth and the man Boaz is a very beautiful and most interesting story, and we ask that you read and even study this divine account, for it sets forth for us one of the most important aspects of our subject --- "The Right of Redemption."

Reflecting once more on what we read in The 1828 Webster Dictionary, it says that "redemption has the meaning, the repurchase of possessions and persons." The point is also made that "The Price of Redemption" was to be an equivalent amount, a just amount. And now we learn from chapter 4, vs. 4 to 10 of the Book of Ruth, that the one that is to be "The Redeeming One" must be a near kinsman and he must also have the "...Right, or The Authorization of Redemption."
..... one must have The Desire.
..... one must have The Price.
..... one must have The Right.

to be continued


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