[In the introduction to this taped lesson, Mr. Baker tells about Bible reading in his home when he was a youngster. He related that his mother was a good reader and that she'd learned to read with emphasis, and how to watch the punctuation. Then he stressed that she tried to understand what she read and mentioned how very important this is. He said, "there are some people who read with their mind on something else-even out loud!" Then he gave some further suggestions about Bible reading in the home. "I think sometimes it is a good idea to have the family group read, and maybe each one read a verse, or something like that. There are many ways you can divide up the Bible reading-at least read with emphasis so you know what it's about." Now to continue with words and phrases emphasized in Ephesians One, we begin with verse 9.]
(v. 9): "In all wisdom and prudence" of verse 8 goes with "Having made known unto us "the mystery of His will." Now we talked about His will before [v. 5] and here's the secret of His will, and this is the first time it is told in all the Bible! This is one of the big milestones. His will - what He had been wanting since the overthrow, why these blessings, why the choosing before the overthrow. He is beginning to spill it all out, and gives us the purpose and why He's doing it. And that is the interesting part of this book of Ephesians. It is opening up things that have never been known to mankind before; not even to the angels in heaven.
(v. 10): "the dispensation of the fullness of times" (seasons) - now when is this? Is that still future? If it is then possibly there are still some things that are not revealed to us yet, and the Word is not complete. But remember, in this Bible, which we have, God has revealed to us all His purposes concerning the human race and the creation. It's a complete Book. The mystery of Christ is complete. The fullness of time is right now in this dispensation of the mystery. "Gather together in one" (head up), see the Companion Bible note, "all things in Christ ... in heaven ... on earth." This gives us the first hint here of what this family of God is composed of. The things on earth, no doubt the Church which is the Body of Christ, and that's on the earth now. What about the things in heaven? When we get to 21 there are beings of some kind up there in those heavenly places, and they and the Church which is His Body, are being put under One Head - being part of the "household of God" in Eph. 2:19. [Other words and phrases emphasized.]
(v. 11): "inheritance ... predestinated ... counsel of His own will."
(v. 12): "That we should be to the praise of His glory."
(v. 13): "after that ye heard the word of truth ... were sealed with that holy spirit (new nature) of promise."
(v. 14): "the earnest" (the new nature) "until the redemption of the purchased possession," at resurrection!
(v. 15, 16): A change here - a prayer, for the "saints."
(v. 17-19): Here is what he's (Paul) praying for, "God ... may give ... the spirit of wisdom and revelation."
(v. 20, 2 1): Mighty power, "set Him ... Far above."
(v. 22,23): "gave Him to be the Head ... church which is His body..."
Oscar M. Baker
(From T.F.T. tape 3-8-83. To be continued.)