"In the Heaven Far Above All Heavens"

Michael S. Mecikalski

The Church which is Christ's Body, chosen and seated at the right hand of the Father in Christ in the heaven far above all heavens (Eph. 1:3, 1:20, 2:6, 3:10, 6:12) is unique. Nothing like it found elsewhere in scripture.

Eph.1:8 & 9, "Wherein He had abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself."

We will look at translations in the Greek for the following words from Eph. 1:8 & 9: Abounded (Gr. perissuo--to cause to have more than enough); Wisdom (Gr. sophia-the correct application of knowledge); Prudence (Gr. Phronasis=a mental intention concerning good sense in the managing of important affairs); Having Made Known (Gr. gnorizo=basically means "having revealed"); Mystery (Gr. musterion--the basic meaning of this word is "a secret;" the root of this word implies to keep your mouth closed knowing the private matters of an important person - of course, once given the mystery, we are directed to "enlighten" all to its truth ... speak it forth with boldness- Eph. 3:8-12; much more can and will be said about this word); Purposed (Gr. Protithami--to resolve in one's mind beforehand that a purpose is worthy).

The truths associated with our calling in the heaven far above all heavens in Christ are never-ending! As chosen, adopted sons, chosen out before the foundation of the world, the Father in fact has revealed, through superabundant grace, the particular secret intent of His will.

This superabundance is guided by the Father's application of His knowledge and good sense in how He would have His important affairs to be managed (the wisdom of God); He decided beforehand, and delighted in doing so, who would prove to be worthy, (by their own choice), to be the recipients of this revealed truth (a re-enforcement of our predestination in Eph 1:5). In other words, when we understand what the mystery is, we understand that our dear Heavenly Father knows that He has given His precious truth to ones He can count on and trust! - i.e., faithful saints! Think of it, in our super high tech "evil day," when life speeds along in the fast lane and mankind imagines themselves to be so "smart," not only don't they know God, they also have the depraved audacity to question His very existence!

In the "environment" the Father has and is making known His very will, His very supreme purpose to His called-out adopted sons. Yes, we can say that not only does He exist, but we know His very will, His very "thoughts" concerning His purpose and plan for redemption in all of creation and our position therein. I love Him for this, don't you?!! Amen and amen! Lord" (Phil. 3:8) - Awesome!!

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