Yes, we are attempting to identify and share with our readers what we understand and believe to be "The Divine Word of Truth - For Today," or this present age of God's workings which started in Acts 28:30-31 at the city of Rome, Italy, in the hired house that the Apostle Paul was occupying; he being one of only two Divinely Commissioned men of that age, John the Beloved, having been the other dispenser of "Truth For Today," even that one life-bringing message for this age, that is treasured up in the Gospel of John the Beloved.
Paul, The Prisoner, not of the Jews nor of Rome, but the Prisoner of the Lord, has become the Prisoner for the good of all nations, yet with a special view to the "Saints of God in Christ Jesus." For when we are seeking Truth for Today, we are only seeking truth that is addressed to and given for Saints. Yes, for all of the Holy Ones out of God in Christ Jesus, for only a "NEW" man in Christ Jesus can receive such truth, only "The Initiate" of God have been given ears to hear and eyes to see, and hearts to understand and to believe the Musterion Truth's out of God.
Paul's "New Dispensation," God's NEW MESSAGE for today, came to him by "Divine Revelation" just as his first had come, and this new message, this new deposit could find no room in his life until the old one was spent and could only have come unto him after the Divine Purpose and plans for Israel, and for this earth, had been set in abeyance. Only after the blessed times of Messiah, His Parousia, yes, His Personal Presence in the earth had been put under temporary suspension, could this new dispensation be given to Paul.
For the person of Christ Jesus cannot be in two different places at one and the same time, and we cannot see Him as a modem day commuter shuttling back and forth daily or weekly between this world and His home in the heavenlies. God in spirit form can do that. In that form He can be and He "IS" everywhere present, but God, in the person of His flesh, Christ Jesus, cannot occupy two thrones at the same time. In "Parousia" He must be "Personally Present" in His throne, in His temple, in His Jerusalem, in His Nation, and in His earth. But that great work is now suspended and is to remain in abeyance until after He has seated His elect body in the Heaven above Heaven. Then He will be free to return to His work in this earth. This work will require another 1,000 years before His is to bring into being "the New Earth" with all of its age-abiding promises.
However, such great and wonderful HOPES are not our
heart's concern at this time. Our number one interest and concern is our
Lord's number one purpose for today. We want to be fully occupied with
His Purpose, with HIS TRUTH - FOR TODAY. Yes, my immediate purpose is to
encourage and move you toward your personal purpose becoming more and
more in harmony with His Eternal Purpose, or Purpose of the Ages.
What we might want is without merit in view of His Divine Purpose For Today. His purpose must increase, and our own "want-to's" must die out with self. Ask yourself, does HIS Purpose have any place or part in my purpose? I am not asking this of the unbelieving, only of the Faithing Ones, even of the elect members of His Body, even as each and every called-out member of His Body should resign his own purpose of life unto His number one purpose of creation.
Now, let us try to better understand His Purpose of the ages in order that we might more fully appreciate His Purpose and His Workings and Plans He holds in view to bring to realization HIS PURPOSE.
Let us now set before you in as clear and straight forward manner as we can, just what we see as HIS ETERNAL PURPOSE, even His Greatest Heart's Desire in Creation in the first place -
Yes, that is His ULTIMATE goal. This is His number one purpose in all creation, all other moves and workings, all other efforts and plans, all of creation, was brought into view and has been moving toward this "One Ultimate Purpose" of the One God of Creation - that HE AS CREATOR BE KNOWN. That He might be understood and that He might be more fully appreciated, that He might be held in full regard, that He might be sincerely worshiped and revered in truth and spirit and in true love as the One Creator, as the One Savior, as the One Provider, of all that is, for all that is to be.
Yes - He has an all compelling desire to be known by His own "intelligentsia" of this Divinely En-Graced Planet Earth - that great special class of His creation that have been gifted with intellect, and with reason, and with understanding, and with a capacity for deep perception, even such creatures that can generate and sustain and confirm unto validation a True Living Faith; a life-bringing Faith in the very invisible, incomprehensible, unsearchable Creator that so eagerly seeks to be known in the first place.
Even that "Divinely Chosen" segment of this People borne "Out of Himself' in Christ Jesus, which is identified as being His Out-Calling, and is to "manifest Him" unto "the intelligentsia" of All Creation.