The Berean Expositor
Volume 54 - Page 69 of 210
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Like the men of God of the O.T. who were God's spokesman, the greatest Prophet of
all came to make known the Father and declare His Truth. Behind it all was the willing
mind so to do. It is important for us to distinguish between the word "will" relating to the
future, and the word thelo to will or to wish. The A.V. often does not make this clear.
There must be harmony between man's purpose and God's will. Here it is rendered in
the N.I.V. "if anyone chooses to do God's will". Such readiness of heart leads to the
knowledge of God and His purpose. The leaders made much of the law of God given
through Moses. Yet their actions proved this to be an empty profession. The law
commanded, "thou shalt not kill". Why then were they constantly breaking it by seeking
to murder Him?
"The crowd answered, `You are demon-possessed. Who is trying to kill you?'." (7: 20).
The Lord now returns to the false accusation of sabbath breaking. He tells them that
they circumcise a child on the sabbath day and if they could do this without breaking
sabbath regulations, how much more could He perform a miracle of healing on the
sabbath day without infringing the law! Their judgment was absolutely superficial; there
was no righteousness in it.  "Stop judging by mere appearances and make a right
judgment" He said (24).
This needs to be sounded abroad today.  How much unfair criticism and
misrepresentation there is in this age. And this is not confined to non-Christians. Many
believers indulge in this sort of thing with other believers. They need to be reminded that
judgment of others (criticism) should be avoided. This is the clear teaching of the
Sermon on the Mount and the epistles (Matt. 7: 1, 2; I Cor. 11: 31).  One sinner
criticizing another sinner is not very edifying.
"At that point some of the people of Jerusalem began to ask, `Isn't this the man they
are trying to kill? Here He is, speaking publicly, and they are not saying a word to Him.
Have the authorities really concluded that He is the Christ? But we know where this man
is from; when the Christ comes no-one will know where He is from" (7: 25-27).
The crowd were obviously concerned with the attitude of their leaders to Christ. We
must remember that the Galilean Jews knew Him only as from Nazareth, not as born in
The Lord answered them:
"Then Jesus, still teaching in the Temple courts, cried out, `Yes, you know Me, and
you know where I am from. I am not here on My own, but He Who sent Me is true. You
do not know Him, but I know Him because I am from Him and He sent Me'." (7: 28,
This statement is like that recorded in Matt. 11: 27, "no-one knows the Father except
the Son". Again the Lord asserts His unique relationship with the Father and those who
are listening do not miss the implication of His words.