The Berean Expositor
Volume 53 - Page 66 of 215
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A | 2: 1-11. THE MARRIAGE IN CANA. |
a | The background. Nathanael's faith (1: 49-51).
b | The place. Galilee. (1)
c | "The third day." (1)
d | Wine provided. (8, 9)
e  | "Jesus was called, and His disciples." (2)
f | Failure confessed. "They have no wine." (3)
g | Numbers. Six waterpots, holding two or three firkins apiece. (6)
h | Command. "Fill the waterpots with water." (7-)
i | Obedience. "They filled them." (-7-)
k | Waterpots filled to the last drop. "Up to the brim." (-7)
l | The servants bare (enenkan). (8)
m | Glory manifested (ephanerose). (11-)
n | His disciples' faith. (-11)
B | 4: 46-54. THE RULER'S SON. |
o | The background. Rejection (43, 44).
p | Time. "After two days." (43)
q | His son. "Sick" (esthenei). (46)
r | Parenthetic explanation re the place (Cana). (46)
s  | "At the point of death." (47) "Death" only here, and in "B" below.
t | "Ye will not believe." (48)
u | "Ere my child die." (49)
v | The servants "met him". (51)
w | "Thy son liveth." (51)
x | "The fever left him (apheken)." (52)
C | 5: 1-47. THE IMPOTENT MAN. |
aa | The place. Jerusalem. (1)
bb | The Pool. Bethesda. (2)
cc  | The longstanding case, "thirty-eight years". (5)
dd | "Jesus saw him." (6)
ee | The Lord takes the initiative. (6)
ff | "The same day was the Sabbath." (9)
gg | "Afterward Jesus findeth him." (14)
hh | "Sin no more." (14)
Sin, only here and in "C" below.
ii | "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." (17)
kk | A double reference to "Moses". (45, 46)
ll | The only "sign" (with "D") recorded in the other Gospels:
(Matt. 14: 15; Mark 6: 35; Luke 9: 10).
mm | "Jesus went up into the mountain." (3)
nn | Followed by a discourse. (26-35) Signification.
oo | "Many disciples went back." (66).
pp | The testimony of Peter. (68, 69)