The Berean Expositor
Volume 53 - Page 42 of 215
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The New Creation
(5: 1 - 6: 9).
pp. 233 - 237
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God
hath before ordained that we should walk in them" (Eph. 2: 10).
In the structure of Ephesians, as set out by Charles H. Welch (see In Heavenly
Places), item `C' is described as "The New Creation":
C | 2: 8-10. Walk of the new creation.
(shortest Doctrinal passage)
C | 5: 2 - 6: 9. Walk of the new creation.
(longest Practical passage--applying to every department in life)
Let us consider first the Doctrinal section, and to do this we show an outline of that
passage, using again Charles Welch's work:
C | 2: 8 - 10.
A | For by grace are ye saved through faith
B | a | Not of yourselves
b | The gift of God
a | Not of works lest (hina) any should boast  FAITH
A | For we are His workmanship, created
B | a | Unto good works
b | Foreordained of God
a | That (hina) we should walk in them
Salvation is by grace, and is received by faith. Some have thought that faith is the gift
of God, but Charles Welch explains that by studying the Greek and taking account of the
rules of grammar (e.g. the gender of the words used) it becomes evident that "the grace
by faith salvation" is the gift of God. (a full explanation is given on page 216 of In
Heavenly Places.)
Another point brought out by Charles Welch is that the Greek for gift is doron. This
word conveys the idea of an oblation; that is, something offered. This is further evidence
that the gift of God cannot be faith, for in what sense can faith be regarded as an offering
made by God? But to realize that salvation is something that God offers us, in other
words an `oblation', is a humbling experience. We can only accept it with heartfelt
thanks and gratitude. The comment that Charles Welch gives on page 217 is most
appropriate, which we quote:
"What can we say however when we learn that in this calling it is God Who makes the
oblation, it is God, not the humble worshipper, Who brings the offering; it is God Who
comes out with both hands full of blessing, and pours them out at the feet of the worthless
and undone. Salvation by grace through faith is the gift, the oblation of God. Let us